Brexit hub

That would be a mistake by the Tories. They need to go for someone in the middle.

There is a huge % of voters there who voted to remain. The last thing they need to do is put someone in thatā€™s divisive.

Thereā€™s an opening for a Liberal Democrat comeback here. Labour are a mess.

Youā€™ve gone from a few weeks to a year in 5 minutes. Slippery.

After Farage had conceded and all :grin:

No I replied to Fitzy saying he has to go i.e. now. At a minimum he canā€™t go now as there will be total meltdown, hence the ā€œweeksā€ line.

So what Iā€™m taking from all of this is that Britain is a complete fucking clusterfuck politically, socially and economically at present and likely to be so for some time.

Sorry, are you talking about me or Cameron?

Itā€™s a complete mess alright

Yeah you said ā€œWhat now, Cameron resignsā€¦ā€

The London based CNBC cunts reference Sein Fein calling for a United Ireland vote and then interview John Bruton and ask him to explain ā€œhisā€ position. Fucking hell lads.

Good time to buy a nice motor over there now

We should bomb their fucking studio now.

S&P saying UK could lose AAAā€¦

The french will be next.

Hon the UK. We did what micks could never do and told Germany to fuck off. Shove it up your cunt your servile lick spittles


Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, has told ITVā€™s Good Morning Britain that he thought it was a mistake for the Vote Leave campaign to say that it could save Ā£350m a week by leaving the EU and that the money could go to the NHS.


Thereā€™s always dumb and dumber, Johnson and Gove. What annoys me is the fact that the Tories had an opportunity to drive a stake through the heart of labour with Corbyn in charge, and theyā€™ve fucked it away.

What a day for democracy

The micks are absolutely seething

Kenny has called an emergency cabinet meeting.

Osborneā€™s career in tatters is the only positive in all this.

Theresa May. Maybe.