Brexit hub

How will this affect you now mate, being a Mick living in England?

Pretty good markets summation here:

That will depend on the extradition treaty Britain now has to sign with Ireland, as @Tassotti may have some trouble waiting for him at home.

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It all depends on whether the extradition treaty is still valid.


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This is brilliant!!! The micks are going off the head because we had the balls to do it

English jails are far better than Irish ones. The micks might let him serve his sentence there.

Of course, a far better class of criminal as well, you wouldn’t see that in a mick prison.
Of course it’s highly unlikely you would see anything of a mick prison as you’re not a criminal, unlike Tassotti.

Will they take you back in that electronics place?


Jean Claude junker enda Kenny, you boys have taken one hell of a beating. That’s 2 world wars and and a eu referendum we have stuffed them in

They outsourced the floor sweeping.

HOW AGES VOTED (YouGov poll) 18-24: 75% Remain 25-49: 56% Remain 50-64: 44% Remain 65+: 39% Remain #EUref

Lim Dems positioning themselves.

The scots referendum split was about the same. The old folk wanted the union.

The racist pensioners fucked them over

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Good and proper.

What a beautiful day

Lib Dems going hard on Corbyn here, big opportunity for them now. He really is an utterly dreadful leader, a good chunk of the Remain supporters today whinging though would want to have a look at themselves after voting him in.

It’d be best to hold on till November and just offer the job to Trump, that’s the man they clearly want.
Fucking idiots, you can’t allow the lowest common denominator to make decisions like this.

They can finally have their pensions cut now that Britain goes into a deep recession