Brexit hub

They just did.

How would you do that?

Power of a person’s vote needs to be indexed to their pay and IQ…?

It is clearly an island full of idiots.
This should never have been on the table at all is what I’m saying.

Completely avoidable. All because Cameron couldn’t manage his party.


I like that idea.

England votes “NO!” to fear. :clap:


It’s hard to see this as anything other than a disaster for UK, Ireland and Europe.

The underlying worst instincts of the English came to the fore - maybe it’ll take a massive economic shock to the system for them to reslise that the empire is gone and that the UK is just another 2nd rate power.

The only upside is that most of them will be on their cheap holidays to Spain in the next couple of weeks and will get the first indication of the impact of their vote with substantially less buying power of their beloved pound

The blame game will be amusing. Your crusty pal Jeremy Corbyn probably deserves to shoulder the largest share of it.

I caught a small bit of Fergal Keane on Today With Sean O’Rourke yesterday. His references to politicians stoking unfounded fears among the people in order to drive their own agendas was excellent.

Yeah, it’s all Corbyn’s fault :laughing:


So democracy should only be extended to those that are willing to vote the way they are told to?

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Dax futures down 10%

Sterling down 8%

France and Netherlands demanding an In / Out vote on EU membership

The EU is toast.

A bad day for the left wing intolerant facists.


I suspect he was a closet No voter. A large portion of the Labour core vote hadn’t a clue where the party stood on it.

He’s irrelevant in all of this. The blame for this debacle lies firmly at the feet of David Cameron, he’s been humiliated.

A bad day for the Conservative & Unionist Party/Scottish National Party/IRA/-SF coalition.

a historic day, Farrage calling for a bank holiday on Monday :clap:

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Yep, those pinko liberals in the city of London will be getting their just desserts today.

It’s certainly not. In terms of calling the referendum, Cameron did it to keep his party together. The Tories have always been divided on this issue.

But Labour have failed in their traditional areas, that simply cannot be argued with.

He’s just killed the economy and now he wants business to pay for everyone to have a day off?