Brexit hub

That’s a very dangerous opinion mate, if you don’t mind me saying so.

That’s complete horseshit. Do you just willfully ignore facts? Have you looked at the areas which voted Brexit yet?

Not at all mate (I don’t mind you saying so), I got a huge shock when I woke up, I haven’t followed this thing closely. As I said a while ago I don’t understand how this made it to the table.

Nigel interview there laying the largest share of the praise on the vote from the Labour heartlands.

You’re actually blaming Corbyn for this :smile: you’re a lunatic.

It was the same in the General Election, UKIP took their votes. The warning was there. Matty & Co. seem determined to just sling mud at the Tory party. A Tory party that is deeply divided, and in any other country would be on the ropes because of this. They have no danger of losing power though because of Corbyn being utterly hopeless.

In such divided times for the UK, how refreshing to have Candidate Trump visiting today.

"We announced 106 target seats in 2013, the crucial majority of which were Conservative-held constituencies in England and Wales. To take these 85 seats, Labour needed an average swing from the Tories to us of 3.5% – higher in some seats such as Rugby, lower in others like Sherwood.

In the event, in these constituencies there was an average swing of 1.4% away from us to the Tories. A dreadful result on the night which meant we won only 10 of the 85 seats – little better than one in 10.

A big part of the problem was Ukip. In these 85 constituencies, Ukip was a minor player in 2010, polling fewer than 125,000 votes in total. This time was different. Ukip won over half a million votes, and added 10 percentage points to their average vote share."

Nigel Farage, trolling, thanked Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party but you are happy to just keep your head in the sand. It has only gotten worse since last year and the results show that.

Corbyn is Michael Foot 2.0.

It will will not recover

Did you enjoy your bank holiday last Monday for your Queen’s birthday?

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Farage already backtracking on the ÂŁ350 million a week stat!

Democracy should absolutely be respected - the Brits should feel the full consequence of their drmocratic decision. The notion that they’ll get to pick the best bits of EU membership and get rid of the downsides will surely be rejected.

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Was that what is was for? I thought they were just giving us the day off to rest during the euro’s.

German markets in freefall, worse than us, take that you bastards :laughing:


Probably. out was labour policy for years.

@Tassotti putting the boot in here!

I know my house is on fire right now, but did you see Billy’s house down the road. Man, his flames are way bigger than mine.


A victory for curvier bananas

Lads can some reply to @Tassotti every 8-10 posts, he’s doing his damnedest here and it deserves some recognition.


Wow, rumour is Cameron to resign!