Brexit hub

maybe someday you Irish pricks might grow a pair now that your betters have shown you how to do it

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He doesnt want to have to go to Europe to negotiate this. Far better to fall now. Bad and all as his legacy is now, the negotiations would be seen to be a step too far.

Why would anyone be surprised by this? His position is untenable, he has been humiliated.

Fair play good coverage bud

Because the markets short term

He was expected to stay short term

Cameron live now

Cameron speaking now.

He looks fairly mugged off.

He’s lining it up. He’s going…

He has good and propper

“I’m proud to have been PM for six years”…

Chalk it down


Almost certainly. But there could be some upside for Ireland in the short term. Ultimately it’s all too unpredictable.

Irish people should be less surprised by this than anyone, as we understand the stupidity of British nationalism better than anyone else. But the flipside is that in recent times the EU leadership acted in a manner that was utterly tyrannical. It didn’t go unnoticed. And while this was in large part a vote for fewer foreigners and the union jack, it was a vote against Brussels arrogance as well.

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3 months

New PM by October.

His position is totally untenable, how can anyone be surprised by this? Cheerio Dodgy Dave :grin:

Sam looking regal there.

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Very emotional there from David.

Boris and Nige as Co-PMs

Surprised if he had gone straight away, which is what the BBC’s initial report suggested.

C’mon Tim, he could hardly stay around and negotiate GB’s exit with the EU.

It will be interesting to see who becomes next leader of the Tories. You’d imagine Boris will be the favourite now but it’s a deeply divided party and I wouldn’t be surprised if a John Major style compromise candidate emerges.