Brexit hub

We can only hope. Could you imagine Boris?

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If you read the thread from about an hour and a half ago, that’s what I said. I said he would have to stay for a few weeks minimum so the markets don’t totally meltdown…

I’m sure they’ll find another fucking chinless wonder from Eton to step into the breach.


Talk of a Corbyn leadership heave on the BBC. Many MPs are “incandescent” with rage over their performance in Labour areas.

The micks are hysterical with rage. " ye have burst the party" :joy:

Bigger crash going on today in the City of London than on Black Monday :smile:

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Great day for UK. Cameron, corbyn and EU all going. Likely followed by sir Bob and the sweaties


Mandelson on sticking the knife into Corbyn, for what his voice is worth in the Labour Party anymore.

Barclays down 22%, Lloyds down 21% :joy:

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Mark Carney is only relaxed as he still has his Irish passport

The Eu is finished

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Is Cameron in the Tower yet?

Emergency cabinet meeting in Dublin at 10

A classy lady. Probably relieved to be moving out of the No 10 bedsit. A chance now to spend the trust fund properly.


Fianna FĂĄil would have held it at half 9

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Dumb and dumber.

They don’t have the balls to take him out.

I am gobsmacked. Never thought it would come to this. When you look at the line up promoting Leave fucking hell.