Brexit hub

It would take operators like Mandelson and Campbell to do that now but Labour have moved away from wanting to actually govern

Imagine actually electing the charisma vacuum Ed Miliband and unelectable socialist Jeremy Corbyn as your leaders back to back


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Is this the time to finally reunite the 32 counties of Ireland?

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Cant believe they’re also leaving the UN

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what a day for democracy and freedom


Tis gas you cheering here and you working for nothing now will you even be able to afford to come home for Christmas

You literally couldn’t make it up :joy:

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Can they not just rerun it again like the Lisbon treaty?

Still, a victory for Enda Kenny. Irish 5 yr gov bonds were going negative earlier. What a turn around in 5 years …

They’ll be crawling back, cap in hand, within 10 years.

:joy: @Tassotti

:joy: Ireland getting rode senseless by Brussles and Germany for the last 10 year, but Irish bonds are up, you literally could not make this up

The pound has now hit a 30 year low and the markets are in free fall :joy:

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Dublin to take over from London now as the Finance Capital in Europe. Watch all the banks bail out of London.

Great day for Ireland.

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You really have to laugh at this kind of hysterical ranting coming from the micks

Maggie is raising a G&T this morning, wherever she is …

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You are incorrect.

Sterling has recovered very well since this morning. It’s now 1.38 off a low of 1.32.

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rising against the Euro aswell, the drunken Irish are seething because they didn’t have the guts to do we have done, this is actually an unbeilevable day in European history, one of the greatest of al time

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Monies to be made



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