Brexit hub

Will notsogreatbritain end up like the Incas?

ye but what is this going to mean immediate/mid term/long term for Aido in Coolock who goes to Anfield 6 times a year and Franno in Kimmage who goes over to Glasgow Celtic the same amount of times?

The micks are panicking like fuck :joy:


The worst thing about this is I’ve £20 at home on the dresser :cry:


Thankfully I made a dent in my GBP deposit account lately by purchasing a Volvo S80.

the gurus on this forum guffawed at the Scots for not wanting to leave the Uk who had cited economic reasons, now they are guffawing at the British for leaving the EU and in the process of that guffawing citing economic reason themselves

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And it’s not even what you could call a real clear cut decision.

Surely there’s a case for a recount? :joy:

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War criminal Tony Blair is seething on Sky news :laughing:

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Once Article 50 is invoked, it could take Britain up to two years to actually leave the EU.

During the two-year negotiation period, EU laws would still apply to the UK.

The UK would continue to participate in other EU business as normal, but it would not participate in internal EU discussions or decisions about its own withdrawal.

Once Article 50 is triggered, the terms of Brexit will be negotiated not by British politicians or diplomats, but by the other 27 nations of the EU.

And, when the members are ready, they will present the British government with a departure agreement on a “take it or leave it” basis.

Bend over Brits.

Great performance in the market recovery.

Sterling now 1.39 :+1:

Dax and FTSE holding performing well.

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Sterling will arise out of this in a much stronger position than the Euro.

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This is a game changer. Incredible scenes.


I absolutely loving this, this is one of the greatest days of my life


We really won’t know the impact of this for a long while. The interesting times are ahead of us all.

the eu is gone, the micks are shitting it over in Dublin

The city of London is finished.
DCC are rushing through legislation to increase the maximum building height in areas around the docks. Work on sky scrapers will commence on Monday in the City of Dublin .


All third leval jobs

Come home @Tassotti. Have one last fish and chips from one of the superb English chippies, then gather up your things and get on the next plane to Shannon. I’ll head out there and pick you up myself.