Brexit hub

It seems that sometimes turkeys do vote for Christmas. There is no way working class areas in the north east of England and the likes of Belfast should have voted to leave

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Lads would ye give one to Cameron’s wife? She looked good there this morning at his resignation announcement. She’s better looking than that pig he was fucking for a while anyway.


Trying to make money in this market volatility is as hard as managing multiple aliases on here. Hard day.

Good man. About time someone moved onto the important stuff. I would give her headboard and lots of it.

She looks like Andy Fordham when he was skinny, a resounding no from me.

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If there’s any positive to be taken from a southern Ireland perspective it’s that it is going to be near impossible for northeren scum now to come down here drawing our dole.

I can think of very few actual implications of this, we get duty free back on UK visits. The option for Irish students who are too thick to get into courses here to go to the UK will become expensive. Anything else?

As the only English speaking nation in the EU I think this will work out fine for us

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I think this is a good news story. If you were a US multinational deciding between us or the UK we are the way better option now.

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Work permits could return for foreign workers .eg. soccer players

That’s a self made rule though, they don’t have to bring it in and they would be mad to do so. Who’ll make their pasties?

we are the only eu country to speak English we will get all the business

Farage isn’t even an elected MP.

I loves me country

why are the micks losing it? why can’t they hold their nerve?

All I can see are positives. The only negative will be the Queens lapdog @Tassotti having to come back here on his hands and knees begging for a job.:grin:

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In a heartbeat.

All the lovely little nurseys will be coming home now :laughing:

Theresa May. Take it to the bank.

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