Brexit hub

Thats a pretty ignorant statement. Often there is not the courses in ireland to meet the demand.

Notwithstanding the fact that many irish courses have a way too high an entry point.

What’s the latest @caoimhaoin?

North Antrim bucking the trend in the North with a thumping leave vote and Lincolnshire a huge leave vote. The Iron Lady and the Big Man will be smiling down with approval.


Thankfully we have a government brimming with talent to steer us through the next few years.

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That’s the obvious short-term upside. And we should continue to have a ‘special relationship’ with Britain in economic terms as well, should the EU tolerate that.

But the downside is that political and economic order of Europe has been fundamentally changed. Fuck knows what that will mean.

The Germans want the UK to stay on as an associate member which is the most likely outcome.

Basically it’s Norways deal, which means they’ll still have all the free trade & free travel, but they still have to pay money into the EU. Basically the exact same as it is now but they’ll have no say whatsoever in what happens in the EU.

Seems likely. There will be no mood in Europe for soft deals with Britain though.

They’re both burning in eternal flames down under, Jeff.

we don’t give a shit about Europe

Already hearing that demand for Irish beef in UK falling away due to exchange rate


52 percent of beef exports go to the U.K. And 84 percent of poultry.

Checked my phone when I woke up - Brexit in bed, what a treat!


Worrying times for the Irish food sector. The UK is very dependent on imported food import though, so it’s not like they have much room to manoeuvre either. Wonder how long it will take to hit supermarket prices.

The British public will eat canned ham before they pay through the news for beef

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Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

British won`t be able to sell that deal to their electorate and the EU will not be able to enforce it

For the sake of the markets, the initial reaction will be reassurances all round. But any Germans I know want the Brits to be hammered for this, by any and all means available.

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If anyone is rejoicing in the afterlife, it’s the likes of Raymond Crotty (@RaymondCrotty).