Brexit hub

a flight of Focke-Wulf Fw 191 bombers are crossing the channel as we speak :relaxed:

an Italian colleague just texted me there"tassottti, what have you done? you have left us with the Germans and French on our own" :sweat_smile:


We’re really living in an anti-intellectual world.

Thirdly, it is vital that the United Kingdom negotiates to retain access to the 500 million customers in the Single Market and that we retain free movement of people.
Four, we should negotiate continued participation, on current terms, in major EU programmes like CAP and Structural Funds up until the end of 2020. This will facilitate continuity for citizens, communities, businesses and investors while arrangements are made for the longer term.
Five, Wales is a net beneficiary from the EU to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds. There is now an overwhelming case for a major and immediate revision of the Barnett Formula taking into account needs arising from EU withdrawal and I call today for the promise made that Wales will not lose a penny to be guaranteed.

Welcome to TFK pal


Hammer the hammer


The UK polls are a joke, likewise the bookies


i thought paddypower were rarely wrong about this sort of thing :joy:

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The Sun backing “Leave” was the deciding factor in this.

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It was Sir Bob wot won it

The Queen asking for “three reasons to stay” clinched it.

Murdoch wins

Under 25s voted 75% remain. That’s incredible.

Nearly 800,000 Polish working in the UK. What will the implications be for them?

Donald Trump will be saying that his endorsement of a Leave yote swung it, or at least that will be what he will be campaigning on.

Actions have consequences and here they are

*Scotland breaks from the rest of UK
*London breaks from the rest of England/Wales
*Ireland united
*England/Wales goes bust
*Ireland secures her coastline to halt the influx of desperate boatpeople fleeing England/Wales

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Is this the same lad that asks you ‘do you want salt n vinegar with that?’ every evening?


And so it begins…

They are going to stay put. If the Brits think they can run their economy without immigrants they are deluded.

A vote of no confidence in the labour leader Corbyn now. Carnage in politics over there.

It was probably a deciding factor in Liverpool voting to stay…

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