Brexit hub

interesting point. sure a country of 4.5+m could have taking the EU down if we had the balls (thick fucking Micks!) but this will play out i reakon with another vote (and stay), otherwise “Great” Briton is split / divided - and that (division) tares unity apart. are those ructions not typical of market reactions? EU is failed from the start mate but dont discount the Crouts they are snaky cunts

Chinese economy not retracting?

You haven’t a fucking clue.

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lads dont ever underestimate the crouts

I’m also delighted those Paddy Power bastards took a nice paw to the jaw.


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Leave the Croats alone, it’s the Krauts you wanna keep an eye on


sorry man, my craut mick friend

Sensible posting mate among a sea of morons. Weaker sterling is good for the UK, it helps their exports. If the French cunts want to sell their cheese or the Germans their cars they will have to price for the UK market just like they do in China or any other country. FFS you would swear listening to some on here that companies will boycott selling in the UK. So many simpletons, so little time.

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Thank God you’re here to put us right.

He’s right though, the amount of simpletons on here is crazy. There was a lad on here today saying Cameron would be fine and remain PM.
I mean how simple can a fella be?


are you on commission here? you are spouting braindead shit every five minutes on this thread, you appear to be a bit of a dullard

funny shit. but no one expected today tbf

Et Tu Brute? I thought the guy would show a bit of leadership but silly me. Got all the calls that matter right at the casino today though, drinking the shit out of it now.


@Mac literally lost his bollox

Nothing bizarre about it. The NHS is the religion of Britain. They are obsessed about it. It was a good scare tactic to use.

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That’s a bit rich coming from you

well it worked, be interesting to see does the UK adopt the TTIP, it nearly has to to keep things sweet with the yanks, which would threaten the existence of NHS.

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The micks have done well out of Europe. All those subsidies and handouts (largely from the UK and Germany) lifted them out of borderline third world status from the 70’s onwards. They’re losing their minds now with fear that the handouts will dry up with one of the world’s great powers not doling out any more goodies.

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