Brexit hub

What about the charismatic Jeremy Corbyn? Preceded by the charismatic Milliband and Brown? Labour had (sort of) charisma in Tony Blair and they ran him out.

I guess this is why Boris is calling for an election this year. They want to copper fasten the result with a mandate to go ahead with it. Labour are weak at the moment but things change quickly. Who knows what the mood will be 2/3 years from now. A Labour win on a ‘Remain’ platform could stop the whole thing in its tracks.

There might be some defence for this if the polls were predicting a clear Remain victory. ‘Oh but we were lied to!’ Fuck off.

Brown had no legitimacy after the coup against Blair. It would be the right thing for Boris or whoever to do.

Does the Fixed Term Parliament act not prevent this, and if not, what was the point of it?

I can’t see who ever takes over from Cameron making the same mistake Brown did and not call an election.

With the labour party in such disarray the tories have nothing to fear calling an election.

it should prevent it but no doubt there will be a way around it.

There is no defence for them.

I reckon they could lose the majority. But Labour and the Lib Dems are in such disarry I am not sure to who!

Interesting how Merkel was so nice about it today. Not pushing an early exit. I reckon she is hoping for a re-run.

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There biggest fear is that UKIP win those seats and gain a foothold in parliament

They could do. But UKIP will take more seats from Labour then the Tories if they don’t get rid of Corbyn.

She possibly feels bad because her policies contributed to the “Leave” vote.

It’s all her fault.

Article 50 is all the talk now.

24 months once it’s invoked is a joke.

Labour party tearing itself apart. Corbyn just sacked Hillary Benn over leadership coup.

interesting aricle

They gave Cameron nothing to take to the country.

Britain is tearing itself apart

Don’t forget the Lib Dems. They are hammering Labour over this and the metropolitan champagne socialists will think about switching over.

The Labour Party needs a charismatic leader pronto