Brexit hub

And documents passed to the BBC suggest how Jeremy Corbyn’s office sought to delay and water down the Labour Remain campaign. Sources suggest that they are evidence of “deliberate sabotage”.

The above sums up Corbyn very well for me. Last summer there was a hipster movement towards him by some metropolitan champagne socialists, a large proportion university educated - “oh look at how quaint he is with his dress sense and hats!”. The perfect response to the 3 chaps from Eton and the Bullingdon Club ruling post 2015 election.

It’s a bit like the Feel the Bern candidacy- though I still think Bernie Sanders appeals more to working class Dems than Corbyn does to traditional Northern Labour voters.

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Jeremy Corbyn delivered two-thirds of the Labour vote for Remain.

The knives have been out for him from the start from the Blairites and this is merely an excuse, they were going to do this anyway.

Corbyn will win another leadership election if one is necessary.

Let Benn and the rest fuck off and join the Tories.

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Seems like out of 2 million signatories of the petition only 363k were from within the UK :smile:

Not surprising.

No one from here can get on the site as it keeps fucking crashing.

I thought you and the missus were immigrants with no vote :smiley:

Voted remain. The wife is half paddy half Italian but born and rayered in Manc. We’d have been home years ago otherwise. :worried:

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10 of the labour shadow cabinet are gone now. This referendum has been more of a disaster for labour than for the tories.

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The back tracking from the Leave campaigners is surreal.

It’s almost like they didn’t want to win…


Pilger is a great journalist but he’s not immune from getting it wrong, and christ he’s got it wrong here.

Britain did not say “no more”. They said “more”, with bells on, just as Trump supporters will vioote for more of the same except far worse without even knowing it.

The European Union is a deeply flawed entity, it is not a failed entity. It’s been the most successful pan-national political entity that’'s ever existed.

Britain has voted for the politics of failure and division, the politics of othering, isolation and xenophobia, which is a milion miles away from what Pilger and Eamonn McCann think they’ve voted for.

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He’s giving the ordinary joe soaps too much credit here if he thinks they recognised the threat from neoliberalism and voted accordingly, I think many voted as they thought they were protecting a failing NHS and a minority of headcases thinking it would get people who didn’t look or sound like them deported. But a lot of voters would have been eurosceptics, possibly justifiably so.

I’m sure the original impetus of the EU was well founded, but its been manipulated into Germany’s main instrument of maximising its own wealth in the last decade anyway.


care to elaborate, pal


oh ok. bad start for the dubs, is that why you’re angry?