Brexit hub

The Brexit result is much bigger than the UK or the EU for that matter. It’s the first truly big fuck you from a large country’s population to the elites that tell them what is good for them (keep taking it up the ass while we party) and how they should vote. What you are seeing in Europe is exactly what has been seen in the US over the past decade, as government bureaucracy grows it gets more disconnected from the people it is supposedly accountable to, and more in the control of those that pay to elect it and keep it in power. Whether its Repubs / Demos in the US or Tories / Labour in the UK makes effectively no difference.

The aftermath of the financial crisis has brought this to the fore as those responsible for the reckless gambling that caused it get bailed out and the middle class get sacrificed as a consequence. In prior occasions in history, when things got this out of balance, there would have been revolution and the guillotine would have made short order of the elites, but today all we see is a bit of social media rage. Western democracies have become compliant quislings. Will that change with Brexit? Not with the current party leadership in the UK but who knows who might emerge.

A good cleansing of the financial markets is about the only thing that can cause a reset, but the central bankers will do everything possible not to allow that to happen for as long as possible. It will happen though and perhaps sooner than a lot of people realize ,and when it happens there will be nothing central bankers can do about it no more than 1929-1932 or 2008-9.

That press release wasn’t from “EU leaders” it was from the leaders of a select group of countries. The EU leaders don’t meet til next week

Jean Claude Juncker is the President of the EU Commission, pal. EU leaders don’t get any more senior.

The UK government can tell the Luxembourgish cunt to fuck off, and they will proceed under their own timetable within the rules set out by the EU itself.

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Yes, mate, but the “Luxembourgish cunt” is the one who wants to obey the democratic will of the UK people, not the UK government or the people who campaigned for Leave, which is the point that is being debated.

The UK decides when it gives notice under article 50, not the EU. It’s just bluster from Juncker. The referendum calls for the UK to exit the EU and says nothing about the timetable.

Again, mate, who’s calling for the democratic will of the UK people to be obeyed?

Oh yeah, Juncker, not the Leave campaigners, who are now shitting themselves.

Merkel will decide the timing


You don’t seem to be aware of Watson’s pally position with Unite (his former flat mate being Len McCluskey of Unite) who shockingly backed Jez for the leadership.

Anyone accusing Tom Watson of being a “Blairite” doesn’t have a clue.

Again, you don’t seem to grasp the simple fact that the UK government decide on the time frame, not the EU. I doubt the UK population, regardless of how they voted, would want their government to submit to empty threats from Brussels. That’s what they decided remember, not to allow Brussels tell them what they should or shouldn’t do.

Juncker has to be one of the biggest cunts in the political sphere worldwide. And politically clueless with it. How an ignorant jackass like him got into such a position of influence is a real indictment of the EU.


I agree, and she is already making conciliatory statements. Merkel is grounded in reality, unlike the morons in Brussels. Stopping other countries leaving is now the highest priority and that will take leadership from Merkel.

You’re not answering the question.

What did Watson have to do with Corbyn being elected?

You do realise that the leadership and vice-leadership contests were entirely separate, yes?

Again, you’re evading the question.

Who is the one who is calling for the democratic will of the UK people to be implemented?

How will the pound preform this week???

Great point. For all the talk about the EU that’s one part that rarely gets discussed. Leadership of the EU has swung from the old school social democrats to cunts like Juncker who are on the verge of destroying it.


The entire EU is a bunch of useless cunts. Look at Ireland’s representatives as a microcosm of it, and I’m sure its the same in every country. The majority of elected MEPs are failed politicians who were previously rejected by the public, its literally a holiday camp for losers.

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The poster boy for the Leave campaign has tried to get into Westminster seven times and failed each time.

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No, he’s trying to bully the UK into rushing to exit. He should be and will be told to go fuck himself.

The Labour party is deeply divided between the New Labour gang and the anti-austerity movement led by Corbyn. Regardless of your personal issues with him, he’s at the centre of an ideological struggle so of course he’s not leading a strong and unified party.