Brexit hub

Douglas Carswell’s jaw is disconcerting

Here’s the Gibraltar result.

Are the Isle of Man voting in this?

Gibraltar: 19,322 stay, 823 leave

I’m not suggesting anything, just reporting the facts.

Hon Gibraltar

Slightly lower Remain vote % than the 02 Referendum on joint sovereignty with the Spainish

They should demand a recount of that Gibraltar result

Douglas Habsburg

Rumours out there that Sunderland will be 62% leave, if that’s true this will be closer than what is being projected now.

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Big sell off in the futures markets right now.

Looks like this is going to be much closer than the markets had priced in.

Very narrow Remain in Newcastle. Sign that Leave is doing better than expected. This will be close.

Remain wins Newcastle narrowly. As indicators go, that’s good for leave.

Leave in to 7/2 :popcorn:

Very close in Newcastle, Leave doing better than expected on 49.3%. Another sign that this is closer than we are being led to believe.

Might be worth staying up a little later after all !

Be some craic tomorrow if they leave. Cameron will quenched as well at the same time, there’d be serious turmoil

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Fuck sake, I wanted an early night after last nights pinting.

The mathematician can’t calculate 20% of 40 million


Fucking dipshit bottled it on live TV