BREXIT thread

A British crisis of identity and class … exactly what @chocolatemice said a few months ago but was attacked and nearly murdered by @flattythehurdler

Who knew that mouse was so aligned in his thinking with that gimpy cunt O’Toole :open_mouth:

The podcast is a load of auld shite tho. Brexit for beginners.

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Haven’t heard of this one before. Found it fair funny. Apologies if it’s above in the 532 posts I skimmed over.

Different editor but funny enough.

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Yer man is to be applauded for that article rather than ridiculed. If more people who voted Leave came to their senses like him and admitted that the Leave campaign was all a load of bullshit rather than digging themselves into mental fifty foot deep trenches to delude themselves that they were right, Britain could still easily get out of this mess.

And why do you think people in England want to be governed by some suits in Brussels? Making up bullshit laws. The EU is a flop.

Like square tomatoes?

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As members of the EU the Brits are those suits in Brussels … what laws in particular are bullshit?

Like climate change, they have the youth of our country driving mad over a cow farting.

Agreed. Forcing a vegan diet on cows was bound to have negative consequences.

The EU Metric time law.

I likes me years to have 365 days, or occasionally 366.

I likes there to be 12 months in a year.

I likes me months mostly to have 31 days, some to have 30, one to have 28 and a very odd one to have 29.

I likes me week to have seven days.

I likes me days to have 24 hours.

I likes me hours to have 60 minutes.

I likes me minutes to have 60 seconds.

Juncker wants to change all this and WE THE PEOPLE ARE OUTRAGED (insert vaguely fascist Celtic symbolism here).

He was asking for it the Cark weirdo.

40% of London is white. Crazy how that happened. I suppose they have to close the door sometime or the rest of Britain will turn into a refugee cesspit.

& so the mask slips


Fintan reckons tho the tans won they war, they actually lost it - or at least psychologically felt like they lost it as Britain went to shit in no time and Germany ruled Europe … theres’ certainly something in that - the tans mention Germany /WW2 relentlessly. Outside of Brexit, Britain is not on Germany’s radar at all.

Michael and Dinny Healy Rae agree with you, take from that what you will. The more decisions handed over to the EU the better. It is for the benefit of Irish people that idiots like Noonan and Enda Kenny are not allowed call all the shots. Brexit negotiations now show that UK politicians, while able to speak more eloquently, are just as thick.

I dunno mate. What the Germans think of England has never been something that keeps me awake at night.

What has that to do with the EU? I’d argue most of that is to do with their own colonial past rather than EU laws

But straight bananas do ?

That’s why they voted to get out of Europe they were been over ran

By whom?