BREXIT thread

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A deal has been done.

No they won’t risk losing brexit altogether

You literally could not make it up.

It’s a bit like an argument with your wife. You can never win.

The Scotch will be looking for their taste next

They’d be dead right.
Are the dup on board??
I’d imagine the more pro eu mps will aim for a confirmatory referendum now. I wonder if it has any chance at all of happening.

Fuck the Scotch

Tony Connelly of RTE has played a blinder here.

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Tony Connelly who must be riding one of the negotiators or something with all his inside news, says the deal is done. Bariner to hold a press conference in the next while. Whether the DUP are on board or not is another question entirely

It looks like the DUP may not be on board

Does he need them is the question

:grimacing: :grimacing:

No change from the DUP — they are keeping all the loot.

I just hope @Enrique held his nerve and his cheap shot at me (after I gave him the sort of tip that made Charlie Hockey rich) was to garner Internet likes

Patrick Kielty thinks the DUP might allow themselves to be thrown under the bus if everyone agrees the bus is made in ballymena


I thought Ben dunne made Charlie hockey rich

The DUP are NOT on board. Their pal Boris has sold them down the swanny.

Is Boris playing a blinder here putting it all on the DUP? win / win for him