BREXIT thread

As an aside, Bertie was on SOR there and was masterful in his reading of the DUP.


There are conflicting reports on this

Peter Foster says they are on board, others are saying they aren’t

I think Unionist opinion will swiftly move against this

the definitive voice of Northern Ireland Tommie Gorman says that they are not on board

What was his reading on it?

Great that means that they can be fucked overboard and Johnson is no better man to do it.

You can watch it yourself shortly

He called it beautifully

I think the likelihood is this will not pass

I would not stake much on that however

It’s basically May’s deal, which was shit, with an NI backstop rewritten at short notice on the back of a packet of cigarettes

There’s also this

Amber Rudd was entirely correct when she invoked sexism as a reason why the likes of the ERG would reject May’s deal out of hand yet consider voting for this nonsense

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Jolyon Maugham’s scenario is coming into view

Or at least a variation of it

what did he say?

Why does everyone presume Boris would win a GE? He’s a buffoon who plays well to Tory fire voters but can the Tories win an outright majority? Surely labour SNP and lib Dems combined will beat them? An election would crystallise labours brexit policy, I don’t know why it’s presented as unclear, that’s British media obfuscation in their vendetta against corbyn, it’s crystal clear. Corbyn may be unpopular to many but to say he’s “unelectable” is bananas, the alternative is Boris FFS.

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Don’t underestimate how stupid people are.
Johnson can frame this as he did all he can.
The press etc will oppose Corbyn vehemently.
Corbyn is actually a spoon.

Boris is doing well in opinion polls

Because most of the UK media is little more than Tory propaganda

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This is the way it had to go I guess.

  • EU and UK say yes

  • DUP says no

  • UK bungs a wedge to the DUP

  • DUP says yes

I really do have a perverse respect for the DUP

Their objections are basically the flip side of Irish people rejecting a hard border, and that’s fair enough

Tony getting fucked around here on RTE NEWS NOW.