BREXIT thread

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Cc @Enrique

Exactly. And I don’t think it will shake out that way.

2 fucking years they’ve been at this and they are still where they were after about 15 minutes negotiation

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He got elected as Mayor of London twice. He even beat Red Ken. He is a good campaigner. They love that shit.

What’s that mean?

Is gorman not an Irish name??

Can he win an overall majority though? Can he even keep his party together in a campaign?

I think Johnson wants this to fail and he and Cummings have some sort of plan to force through no deal

That’s the thing. A traffic cone would take labour swing seats if corbyn is in the driving seat as he is perceived, rightly or wrongly, as a loon, and a nasty one at that. The same traffic cone will hold labour safe seats regardless, unless the brexit party get them.
Luciana Berger standing as a libdem is polling well ahead of the tories in Golders green.
Boris will beat corbyn, who is now more unpopular even in the 18-24 age group, which is a quite remarkable effort. Corbyn and his mob still being in charge shows yet again how a few zealots can hold sway over, and disadvantage, a far bigger group of moderates just by being more vicious.
Whether boris can get an overall majority though is much less certain, even with corbyn. The libdems are becoming more credible by the day, just by saying nothing.


Doubt it. He actually has agreed something with the EU. Much like May it’s about blaming parliament now if he has to extend.

Trying to predict this all is impossible. It’s going to come down to people withdrawing and decisions not to campaign here and there. The polls are all over the place. It’s constituency by constituency.

The only thing worth predicting is a Tory wipeout in Scotland.

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Fuck the dup, fuck Jamie Bryson.

If Farage is on the scene and Brexit is not delivered, he will struggle.
The question is how the remain vote splits between the Lib Dems and Labour. And if Farage can take Labour leave seats.

Boris will get this through. Id say a few Labour MPs in Brexit constituencies might go missing.

I heard earlier, The brits never heard of the DUP before Brexit. It’s like finding out you’re related to Myra Hindley.


That’s kinda hilarious Flatty. Replace Corbyn with Boris and it’d be accurate.

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Brexit Brexit Brexit! Boris is the man to deliver the promised land

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Brexit means Brexit.


Labor are against. Lib Dems are against. Dup are against meaning a substancial number of the ERG will vote against. Farage will be against. The 21 will be against

We go again