BREXIT thread

Corbyn has been elected as Labour leader twice by comfortable majorities

Let me guess, would these “moderates” include Louise Ellman who supports targetted assassinations of Palestinian leaders by Israel, the breaking of international law, and war crimes

It’s tremendously Orwellian how the word “moderate” has been hijacked to include those who support assassinations, imperial conquest and war crimes

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an inanimate carbon rod would lead Labour to a landslide victory in an election

Nineteen Labour MPs wrote to the EU asking them to agree a deal with Boris so that they could vote on it. So it is possible. Tight though.

they just need to get it done now, it is a fantastic deal

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no more of living under their rules, that mob is Brussels are going nuts that Boris has out manoeuvred them

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The EU gave Boris the poster boy for toxic masculinity concessions they refused to give to doughty Theresa May. They are a sexist misogynistic institution and I think we should leave

The Gover on now, “its a great deal”

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Spot on

I’m reminded of that “any old iron, any old iron, any any any old iron ad”

Toryworld is a lobotomised reality where actual reality is irrelevant

The DUP made a fatal error, they linked themselves up to a man who isn’t a Unionist but an English Nationalist, their agenda’s largely overlapped and seemed so similar as to be largely identical, but there’s one key difference. Boris doesn’t give a single fuck about Northern Ireland (or the Scotch) and probably secretly would only be fucking delighted to be shot of the spongers.


Jamie brysons twitter is great today.

the pound is surging!

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Do you back Jim here @Special_Olympiakos?

Bryson forever retweeting that Jim McAllister.

I’m guessing the threat of a second vote will bring enough ERG people and rebel Labour votes over.

I’ll ladybird it for you. It happens everywhere.

Fintan should know better than to gloat. The politics of triumphalism does not serve the this island.


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If this deal goes through the breakup of the UK is merely a formality. Scots will be out within 5 years years and the North will follow within 10


Johnson like the rest of the Tories is a Schrodinger’s Unionist, aka an English imperialist

The nature of the UK is that Scotland, Wales and NI are effectively English colonies

The English imperialists absolutely want the prestige of the colonies, but they want none of the responsibilities or inconveniences they bring

English imperialists are dedicated to the preservation of the Union but want the Unionists to disappear when it suits them

Scotland, Wales and NI are really no different to India in how English imperialists see them