BREXIT thread

You sure?

NI can prosper under this and have a sort of best of both worlds environment.

Scotland is a bit different of course.

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Let’s hope they follow them over to Scotland

So, are you telling me supporting war crimes and assassinations is a “moderate” position?

You mean they’re different posters?

Free Palestine mate, it’s the issue of the day.

Christ sid, you’re even thicker than usual today, which is fair going.

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Well @anon7035031 is a schizophrenic, he routinely argues directly against himself in successive posts, so perhaps they actually aren’t different posters at all

I’ve put a couple of simple questions to you and you seem completely unable to answer them

I think that’s a fair indicator of who’s being thick

Just reading in the guardian how Johnson back in his Telegraph days continually slagged the fuck out of the “jocks” (horrible racist language) as scroungers looking for money from Uncle Sugar and said a pound spend in Croydon is more valuable to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde.

Not only that but the jocks will have to look at NI being granted special status and remaining in the EU.

The UK will be gone in all our lifetimes if this goes through. If it goes through by referendum the all the better.

Johnson is the greatest prime minister of all time.

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They didn’t say they’d vote against them there

Are they getting cold feet and thinking of abstaining

It really was fantastic leadership from Boris to be fair, he played the threat of a no deal brilliantly and the EU Shat itself


He’s the greatest prime minister of all time.


Scots will definitely bail. They will look for a similar ‘best of both worlds enviroment’ themselves, whether they get that or not they will respond in kind to the rising tide of English nationalism and vote out of the UK. Todays deal is actually a huge win for the SNP even though they will be forced to vote against it on Saturday.

Now its been made abundantly clear to the unionists how little they matter their mandate counts for very little in a Westminister parlaiment. Might take a generation but yes I would say if this deal goes through the Norths exit exit from the UK is a formality**

** This is not the same thing as saying a united Ireland is a formality


It is actually a major issue, mate, I suppose it isn’t if you’re a colonialist who supports rape and pillage like yourself

Why does the hard left of the Labour Party continually talk about Palestine when there are so many injustices in the world?


There are two things true of English imperialists

i) They want the Scots and the Irish to disappear when it suits them

ii) They are absolutely committed to retaining the colonies and exerting imperial power over them - and they will not give this up easily - this sense of control over the colonies is inherently tied up with the Brexiteer sense of self - the imperial mindset is always a contradiction

It will turn very nasty

Extension and election. Boris big majority returned, DUP irrelevent. Deal passes.

Thats what will happen. In 3 short months we are witnessing the greatest performance of a PM since the former nobel prize winner for literature. A rogue parliament, judiciary and establishment against him and he will deliver Brexit against all these odds. Not on Oct 31st as promised mind but you can’t have everything.

Cummins coming on board has brought all of this to a head, they have done masterly here.


Leo has just declared victory

This is a great great day.

Look outside your window lads. It’s odd how historis moments can look so banal.