British Politics

You do in your bollox. It’s cunts like you that incite violence towards politicians.
You’re a laughing stock mate.

Wow, how on earth could could I ever compete against “arguments” like that.

This should ring a few bells, given that I’ve included it on the British Politics thread.

It’s a thinly veiled plan by pro-Israel interests to smear three politicians who speak out against Israeli policy as anti-Semitic.

This issue has the potential to do to the Democratic party what it is doing to the Labour party in the UK, which is why Democratic leaders are taking prompt action. Whatever about criticizing Israeli treatment of Palestinians, it’s really not that smart to accuse Jewish American politicians of having dual loyalty to a foreign country and to link their support to “Jewish” money.

Point out exactly what she has said that has offended you.

Exact quotes, like, what she has said that is anti-Semitic and why.

Now in terms of outright bigotry, how about this poster which Republicans actually brought into the West Virginia Capitol Building last week. This is fucking vile and categorical incitement to hatred.

And Democratic leadership are little better than Republicans when it comes to Israel. Schumer is a disgrace on the issue and spouts the same fundamentalist crap you’d expect from Netanyahu.

Then there’s this, from a Democratic congressman.

Supporters of Israel are quite up front that you literally cannot question any aspect of the US’s relationship with Israel. It’s insane.

The moral of this story is clear. If you hold a position of authority, and you dare voice any criticism of Israel, you’ll be smeared to kingdom come, until youre taken down. That applies to both the US and UK.

But if you support Israel, you can engage in any sort of anti-Semitism you like.

It’s Kafkaesque and an utter disgrace what the Israel lobby is allowed get away with.

The pro-Israel lobby doesn’t give a shit about anti-semitism, it only cares about whether politicians and journalists are unconditionally pro-Israel.

That’s why it supports Trump, why it supports the anti-semite Viktor Orban, and Rodrigo Duterte, who glories in comparing himself to Hitler.

It’s why Siobhan McDonagh and John Humphreys can equate all Jews to “capitalists” and call all anti-capitalists anti-Semites and get away with it.

It’s why Euan Philipps, the non-Jewish anti-Corbyn chairperson of Labour Against Anti-Semitism, can call Jewish journalist Eleanor Penny “a blackshirt” and get away with it.

It’s why Tom Bower can call Jewish journalist Mike Segalov “a self-hating Jew” and have nothing said.

It’s why Rachel Riley and James Cleverly can equate Corbyn to a Nazi while simultaneously claiming they aren’t.

It’s why Angela Smith can refer to immigrants as having a “funny tinge” and get away with it.

Because the above six are all anti-Corbyn.

Peter Beinart as usual gets this spot on and again it applies to both the US and UK. And he should know all about genuine anti-Semitism, as somebody who suffered a torrent of the very worst of it online from Trump supporters after the election.

Were the Republicans denouncing Omar even sincerely opposed to anti-Semitism, they would not support Donald Trump. Trump, after all, in 2013 tweeted that “I’m much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz—I mean Jon Stewart.”

He ran for president on a slogan laden with anti-Semitic associations from the 1930s: “America First.” In 2015 he told a Jewish audience that “You’re not gonna support me because I don’t want your money… you don’t want to give me money, but that’s ok, you want to control your own politicians that’s fine.”

In 2016 he retweeted an image of Hillary Clinton surrounded by money and a Jewish star. He closed his presidential campaign with an ad that showed three Jews—Janet Yellen, Lloyd Blankfein and George Soros—alongside language about “global special interests” that “control the levers of power in Washington.”

In 2017, he said there were “very fine people” among the neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville. And in 2018, his racist fear mongering about a caravan of Central American migrants provoked a Pittsburgh man to commit the worst anti-Semitic atrocity in American history. Unlike Omar, he has not apologized for any of this.

If you denounce Ilhan Omar but support Donald Trump, you don’t really oppose bigotry. You don’t even really oppose anti-Semitism. What you oppose is criticism of Israel. That’s the real reason Republicans are so much more outraged by Omar’s tweets than by Trump’s. They’re not trying to police bigotry or even anti-Semitism. They’re using anti-Semitism to police the American debate about Israel.

Read more:

In the US, you get stuff like this from right-wing agitator Ben Shapiro:


None of these gobshites give a shit about anti-Semitis, they only care about support for Israel.

It doesn’t really offend me as I’m not Jewish, but her rhetoric does offend Jewish Americans, most of whom vote Democratic. Her exact quote that started the controversy was “It’s all about the Benjamins”. This is seen as an example of the centuries old trope of Jewish money corrupting western politics. I’m sure you’re aware economic antisemitism is arguably the leading reason for hatred of Jews in Europe in the 20th century. After initially apologizing, the recent “loyalty to a foreign state” is another antisemitic trope.

I suspect you don’t have much understanding of how Israel is seen in the US, it’s very different to Europe. To begin with there are six million Jews in America, 10 million if you include numbers outside the strict one Jewish parent rule. 85% of Jews live in Israel or the US. Jews in the US are intensely supportive of the state of Israel and also very aware the historical role of the US in protecting the state. I would say the average Jew in America would be of the opinion that Israel would have been overrun long ago and every Jew slaughtered, just as most Jews were slaughtered or fled from Europe.

It’s potentially a much bigger issue than in the UK, not just due to the Jewish American population but the average American would be fairly pro Israel as well. You wouldn’t find many “friends of Hamas” in the US, in particular after 9/11.

Omar didn’t even mention Israel by name when she said what she’s getting smeared over.

But here’s the thing: AIPAC is specifically a lobby group for Israel which toes the Israeli government line. It’s literally stating an obvious truth to say that it and other pro-Israel lobby groups have an allegiance to Israel, the same as Irish-American lobby groups have an allegiance to Ireland.

Michael Flynn was a Turkish agent, for FFS, and the current US President as well as a load of his other cronies are widely and credibly believed to be working at the very least under the significant influence of Russia.

And in US everyday discourse, people refer to themselves as Irish or Italian or Pole or whatever.

This tweet and the two reactions to it cover a key point. Jewish opinion re Israel is diverse, and not homogenous. To class it as such, as those who seek to stereotype do, is very dangerous. And much of the US’s pro-Israel lobby and support base is not Jewish at all, but evangelical or other - the evangelicals tend to be fanatical in their support for Israel.

Juan Vargas’s tweet which I linked to above but will here again for clarity purposes, demonstrates her point.

How can questioning in any way the US’s current unconditional support for Israel be unacceptable, especially given that it is an apartheid regime?

This is ridiculous authoritarianism and a serious threat to public discourse.

If you don’t believe me that Israel is an apartheid regime, believe Peter Beinart.

And look at their treatment of Ethiopian Jews.

Omar has herself been the target of disgraceful racist abuse which portrays her as having primary loyalty to Islam, such as the poster in the West Virginia Capitol building I linked to above, and this tweet by Jewish journalist Julia Ioffe, which was later deleted.

In that first tweet you reference, the one about “the Benjamins” Omar is guilty of a stupid choice of words, although clearly linked to the common phrase and the fact the Netanyahu is Israel’s PM, and she has apologised.

But this is not about anti-Semitism - as the litany of examples of anti-Semitism which get a free pass shows - it’s about taking down anybody in US or UK politics who doesn’t toe an unconditionally pro-Israel line, and if her Islamic faith can be used to demonise her even more, then so much the better for those who want to take her down and banish her from US politics.

And here’s more “acceptable” anti-Semitism:

Look mate, I understand you are distraught about the possibility of dear leader Jeremy not ascending to the PM throne, but he really has himself to blame.

The facts are he called Hamas and Hezbollah “our friends”, not his friends but included everyone in the UK. Now I know there’s a fair bit of pro-Palestinian support in Europe, but that’s going a bit far. Standing at the graves of the PLO leaders was foolish as well. But worst of all was his suggestion that Jews living in Britain weren’t really British, didn’t really get the British thing whatever that is. He’s a moron mate, and simply displays no common sense.

Other than that you still don’t get it. You can’t apply how Europeans see Israel to the US, it’s pretty much the opposite. You speak of pro-Israel as if it’s a bad thing, most Americans see it as a good thing. Therein lies the problem for Democrats and why they are taking swift action, as since 1992, in most presidential elections 80% of Jewish Americans vote Democratic. That dropped in 2012 and 2016 to 70% as Obama was not seen as a friend of Israel. Which also hurt Hillary in 2016.

The line in the sand for Jewish Americans is support for the state of Israel to exist and support for the state of Israel to defend itself. Leftists in Europe don’t agree with those sentiments, nor do a small cabal now in the Democratic party. If the latter are not reigned in, they will cost the Democratic nominee the election in 2020.

Benjamins means money mate, Benjamin Franklin is on the $100 bill. You simply cannot give her a pass for that blatant economic antisemitism.

That’s a lie.

This is bizarre nonsense. It literally makes no sense.

Israel is an apartheid state.

A majority of Americans may see it as a good thing because US media coverage is so hilariously biased in favour of Israel.

The reason for this is the powerful Israel lobby, which exerts massive infuence over politics and media, as it does in the UK.

Stuff like this.

She apologised.

You’ve given Trump a completely free pass for years for an absolute litany of way, way worse stuff for which he has never, ever apologised for.

And pretty much the whole of the US right does it. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

And some of those who are pro-Israel commit outright anti-semitism themselves despite claiming to be fighting it.

I’ve given a load examples above.

Euan Philipps, Siobhan McDonagh, Tom Bower, Ben Shapiro, Bret Stephens.

Henry Olsen is another one. A supporter of Argentina’s anti-semitic military junta in the 1970s where Jews made up 12% of the victims of that regime while making up under 1% of the population.

Good to see AOC calling out her fellow Democrat.

It is antisemitic to refer to Israel as an apartheid state. Every citizen of the state of Israel is subject to the same laws, which are largely secular and not sharia unlike their neighbors. The occupied territories can be argued as such, but there are no Jews there so apartheid is hardly the appropriate term.

Every other state in the Middle East however is an apartheid state, and much worse. Where would you prefer to live if you were a homosexual, Israel or Gaza or Iran where you would face execution? How about a Christian? or an Atheist?

European views towards Israel are insane, as Israel is the single example of close to a secular democracy in the Middle East, a hope for the future. Leftists nutters would much prefer to see a caliphate though, very odd. How do you reconcile support for Hamas when you are supporting actual Nazis who would slaughter every Jew, Christian, atheist, homosexual, gypsy, etc if they could. It’s simply madness.

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Back on topic, it was remarkable even by her own standards to see a smirking teresa may on tge news last night denying that the increase in knife crime had any link at all to the drop in police numbers.
I despise her utterly.

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No it isn’t. Next.

You’ve just classed yourself as a Muslim hater according to your own criteria.

Eh, right.

You’ve just classed an entire continent as insane.

Thanks for that.

Oh, and not a peep out of you on any of the points I raised last night.

Quelle surprise.

Are these Richard Keys “dark forces” or…?

Really? It doesn’t come across like that in your posts???

Here’s a European attitude to Israel you can get behind.

Would Mr. Yaxley-Lennon be calling for the UK to strip him of his citizenship in the hypothetical event that he did?

A 21st c. crusade … @anon7035031 the Lion-heart to the fore.