Budget 2019

Every budget over the last 10 years has been the same. A few cuid given with one hand is taken out of the other almost instantly.

Its a load of bollocks.

5% of those participating in the labour force.

Those ducking out are another story.

They had a job bridge scheme a while back were lads were working 40 hour weeks for their dole. Multinationals abused the fuck out of it and had lads on 140 quid a week longside lads doing the same / less on 60/70k a year

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The year before that as well. Varadkar (the Tory) increased welfare by 5 Euro across the board in order to spite Fianna FĂĄil who were pushing for pensioners to be given an increase.

A disgrace

Most people work. Therefore it’s reasonable to assume they see some incentive to work. The government generally regulates this system. Therefore the government oversees incentives to work.

What about this do you not get?

The poor cunts were working towards a permanent job that was never going to happen in the vast majority of cases.

It was pretty much legalised slavery

Don’t expect him to ever give you a coherent argument.

Ask questions, make vague statements, act superior and then piss off is his MO on 90% of topics.


And my question was what are they doing to incentivise people on the dole, you have ignored it four times now, and are waffling about people who already work. You said already the government do incentivise it for such people, you claimed you knew this, but wont explain your answer, or give any details?

He fills his togs when it comes to the crunch.

I think the question here doesn’t pertain to people already working, more getting people off the live register who are on it for a long time.

Exactly. There’s a small element of cunts that won’t work and won’t try get work. These are the problem.

It was a good idea originally but was certainly abused. And local employers were more guilty of it I would say.

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Its a viscous circle. You’ve a long term social welfare user, say 5 years, left school at 17 or 18, couldn’t get a job at the time. Hit a rut, is now 23, no experience, trade. Most places wouldn’t hire them.

How do you get them working?

I’ve no problem subsidizing these poor misfortunes as part performance of my social contract


Cut their dole.


Would you not prefer your money go somewhere useful?

That’s bollocks. Many of them have dependents. They’d just turn to crime

Fuck the playstations out of the house.

That’s partly it but you also have these folks turning up their nose at jobs because when they calculate their wages in a job compared to the dole and the benefits its not worth it.