Budget 2019

Did you win an debate with me a few years back? Do dig it up and link it there for us.

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Good auld paschal!!! Cc @Ambrose_McNulty

Farmers with the begging bowl out again, itā€™s time we stopped funding these scumbags and their vile ā€˜cultureā€™.


They above quote isnt an answer on what the government does. ā€˜Generally oversees the systemā€™ is not a plan or strategy, so you admit you donā€™t know what they are actually doing. Ok.

Im guessing youve gone and deleted a few posts now but the gist of it was as follows,

It was after the bataclan or charlie hebdo, i was asking what can be done with radical islamists, lone wolfs, it was nearly impossible to stop such attacks. After a lottt of shrieking about american foreign policy etc i asked you what you would do, that you didnā€™t seem to have any suggestions. You stated you had a plan, but it was too complex to put up hereā€¦ When i pressed you, you admitted that in fact you had made that up, and you had no ideas. Not sure how i can find it, but @myboyblue might recall it, i remember him being amused at the time. Seeing as you did the exact same thing this very evening, its fair to say its in your wheelhouse.

What the fuck is the government doing to incentivised farmers to work?

Grants, duh

Shur why would you work when you have everything handed to you on a plate?

You made that up. You generally misunderstand and misattributed statements though so itā€™s to be expected.

They should be constantly reviewed.

Who the unemployed?

Anyone who receives financial aid from the state apparently

I didnā€™t no.

At least you admit now you have no idea what the government is doing, despite claiming earlier you did!

I was talking about the farmers. Same thing really I suppose.

I admitted no such thing. Go and dig up this terrorist plan post from a few years ago that you find so memorable.

They also shouldnā€™t be allowed spend their CAP welfare money outside of Oireland.


Lads,this bolloxology isnā€™t contributing. Itā€™s like a Lebane Vs Sidney episode. Cop the fuck on

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76,000 people out of 195,000 people in Limerick have a medical card.

Limerick is a large part of the problem.


How much is a GP visit?

Ok, while im doing that, can you outline what the government is doing to incentivise jobless people to find work. You said you know what that was, outline it please.