Budget 2019

Are they?

There’s jobs there for people to work at, look at the amount of immigrants that are working in menial jobs in Ireland.

Look at the amount of them on welfare

There are jobs there if they want to work, most of them don’t.

Am no. People who work dont really need an incentive to find a job. People out of work do.

But you said you knew what the government were doing to incentivise people on the dole to find work. You said you knew what this amounted to, why wont you say what it is??


You’d know all about that alright :laughing:

Some can’t afford to work.

If you’ve two kids it could cost 2k a month for childcare, rent, subsistence.

Life isn’t easy if you’ve not had breaks mate

My family emigrated from Italy, we worked our way up, my parents have reason to proud of the son they raised.

Your parents keep you locked in the basement, Fanta Pants.


Can’t afford to work shouldn’t be a reason.

Cut the dole.

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You’re from Northern Ireland Bedsit Bhoy, the biggest leeches on the Irish exchequer.

That statement makes little sense - there’s a world beyond your basement, Fanta Pants.

If you can’t afford to have kids then you shouldn’t have kids.

The state should be footing up the bill of people’s irresponsibility.

Cut the cost of childcare, rent, insuring a car, public transport, fuel, the weekly shop.

We live in an expensive cunt of a country(you don’t)

It’s all true Bedsit Bhoy, I wouldn’t expect a forklift driver who spends his entire weekend on the Internet watching English soccer games in his bedsit to get it though.

Some people had kids then fell on hard times, would you walk over them too? Not everyone on the dole is a scrounger mate

Or the mistaken notion that it is apart of the “social contract”.

The social contract is looking after people who can genuinely not work, who find themselves in temporary trouble and paying for things like education and infrastructure that the generation after will enjoy.

It’s not for junkies and lads who wouldn’t work to warm themselves.


The lads who refuse to criticize and the above article are part of the problem. I’ve posted this a couple of times to underline the biased and increasingly shit quality of the Paper or Record.

Fellow here drops out of school young but gets onto FÁS courses and gets a job. He then gets into drugs. Listen people fall into these things, that has to be accepted and drug treatment is a way to go about that. But there is personal responsibility there, he made that decision. The left in Ireland though would rather blame the State and his environment for it all. The State, meaning tax payers, have given this guy quite a bit. So why is the article talking about ladies in Ballsbridge going about a hobby? This chap has opportunities and blew it, that’s his fault. Yes we can pay for treatment, but save us the guilt trip.

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I agree with all that but i would also say that if someone on the dole gets a job that there should a phased process of coming off the dole over a period of time with the benefits decreasing as the person wages go up.

Same with social housing. They shouldn’t be houses for life, they should only be there to givr people a leg up and then when things pick up they move out of social housing

Fell on hard times?

People should bear the responsibilities of actions.

I’ve no problem subbing the lad until he gets back on the right track


You’re engaging with a fucking idiot here, I know you are newish around here so I just thought I’d let you know.

A multinational closing is their fault? Getting made redundant is their fault?

An industry not being economically viable is their fault?