Budget 2019

Social housing should be a 5 year contract and the persons circumstances ate reviewed every five years. If the circumstances have changed for the better then the rent goes up or something like that.

People work. Therefore there must be incentives to work. The incentives apply to everyone equally. This is all obvious. Why are you questioning it?

No kid, you’re chasing my tail.

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People don’t work too.

Relative to what though? Offset against inflation? Vat increases?

Hi would you even baseline that to monitor it?

Constant reviews of their circumstances. How many jobs applied for, things like that, and if they have done nothing then cut their dole.

Anyone with that commits a crime while on the dole then their dole should be cut as well.


Keep dreaming that one day you might have the honour,

How much are you going to pay someone to constantly review them? What the fuck is the point?

Do you get dole in jail? Which I presume is where you end up if you commit a crime

Well then why are some people unemployed, especially long term, if as you say the same incentives exist for everyone. You are trying to run around in circles now.

And you still haven’t answered the question. What are the government doing to incentivise jobless to find jobs. After all, you said you knew…

There are fuckers walking around out there with 80 odd convictions and have never seen the insdie of a jail

That’s an entirely different question. You’ve only talked about “incentives” up til now.

The same incentives that are there for all of society apply. How many times do I need to state this for you? Christ above!

You can work in jail, you don’t get paid very much.

What sort are fucking stupid questions are they?

Firstly there is a department of social welfare and they should be the ones doing the reviews. They also have a pay structure in place. So your first question is irrelevant.

Second question is easy enough, similar to different pay structures you have the same on place on the dole. You set bar a max someone can get and you reduce it if they dont bother looking for work.

So a revisit of the justice system is in order too, right?

The more you dig at this the more you realize welfare isn’t as big a problem as it’s made out to be

We have created a welfare state, like the UK, where now up to three generations of the same family can exist comfortably without contributing financially to society. There is no political will to get these people off welfare. If you’re unemployed and getting 300 quid a week for doing nothing, you’d have to get 600 quid into your hand to justify working a full week. The long term unemployed don’t want to work for the sake of working as there’s plenty of unskilled jobs out there. The only way to end that cycle it to reduce cash benefits as they currently exist.

Margret Cash is a prime example of this. She wouldn’t have seven kids before her 30th birthday if it wasn’t financially advantageous for her. A woman who has never worked a day in her life, the state rearing her seven kids, and she was roaring into a microphone last week that the government was robbing her :smile:

And there’s lads on here who think the likes of her want to work.



You’re the guy who brags about farmers getting subsidies for doing fuck all and you also went cap in hand to the government to get a grant to dig a well on your farm.

You’re the last person who should be pontificating on this subject.

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Pack it in, Fanta Pants.

You made this accusation before and you weren’t unable to back it up. Try again there Matty.