Buffalo, Bison and Racism

Next he’ll be telling us buffalo wings are made out of Bison

:grinning::grinning::grinning: Are you 3? FFS sake. What a child.

Anyway, I’ll just delete the rest of your irrelevant posts. I’ve answered you. Move on.

This says they are the same thing??

One of the Codys killed half of them


It’s wrong though, they might be commonly called buffalo (because they looked somewhat like buffalos the white invaders would be used to?) but they are not even closely related to species of buffalo.

A buffalo and a bison ??

Again , try wash your face in a buffalo


There’s a padded cell in need of an inmate

I think we’ve found him

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I’ll acknowledge this for you mate.

You done a funny.

Basin. Fnar fnar.


Shouldn’t you be over on boards calling everyone that disagrees with you a Nazi?

Oh wait, you’ve been banned (again) :rofl:

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You never did show us the statue you restored. Ffs.

Ironically enough, the native Americans were never able to hunt bison until the Europeans came and brought horses with them, allowing the lads to bring down a few. They also gave the injins smallpox, but they reciprocated with giving the Europeans Syphilis.


I use white man words for you to understand … We call them tatanka - giver of life.

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the Europeans also taught them how to scalp properly

You were a handy lad with a bow and arrow when you could ride up beside a cow and shoot her and her calf with the one shot. A ‘through and through’ we used to call it.

So why did Crazy Horse use the term buffalo?

Most natives were farmers. The white man depicted them as backward savages but 90% of them farmed the land and hunted game…

Ira Hayes, now he was heap big good injun

Were they drawing any auld grants?

The white man introduced that when they robbed us of our land and moved us to arrid waste land.