Camping, the Outdoors and So On

It’s called the Royal Buckland

download (9)


Fine bus. How hard to put it up. I was half considering one of the ones with air poles that you just pump up

Fairly handy but you’d want two people.
This is our first time using it. A serious upgrade on the old one. Children were off the charts excited about going camping again.


Brilliant. I must borrow a tent off someone before I purchase!

Definitely worth doing a trial run if you can.
We are still probably a few weeks too early as its fairly cold now tonight, but we had a cracking evening.

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Cold tonight?


Its not warm but the sky is unreal.

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The anchor bar is recommended by your old mate Austin Powers, that’s his country

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Did you bring hot water bottles? You might be glad of it in the pre dawn.

It’s Mannix point I presume, it’s been a few years but it’s a grand site.
If QCs is open for lunch this time of year it’s really nice and much cheaper than dinner time.

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Ah man. Fuckin Darkness Into Light.
Some event on for it at the local GAA club which backs onto the site. Music blaring from 3:30am until 5:30. No sleep got. Fuckin wagon wheel


Fucking amateur hour from @TreatyStones


I don’t need to be getting the blame both online and offline for an event i didn’t organise


Where was your risk assessment.


This will live with you forever.


He’ll be balling the tent into a hape of shite by 10am and storming down the road like Basil Fawlty.

Rock me baby

unfortunately this lack of preparation will have far reaching consequences for his position as the forum’s foremost gaa coach …too busy taking pictures of the tent and the view in front to see the DJ setting up in the field behind …

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Jesus, I’d say there is savage tension between The Runt and the wife this morning. It could all kick off when they get into the car.

She won’t let him forget about this.


Some lads on tender hooks 24/7 it seems🤷‍♂️
I’m sure @TreatyStones and his missus are enjoying a coffee and picking at the remnants of last night ms dinner and laughing about their misfortune while the kids are off exploring,
You’ll sleep tonight :+1: