
Iā€™ve just sold the Adonis and the shadow. Only the Jag now.
I took the Adonis for a valet on weds before the lad collected it. I gave your man a twenty and he said he wonā€™t take twenties of the older variety as heā€™d been given three the day before that had been counterfeit. I said it was all the cash I had.
ā€œNo problem my friend, you just drop it in when you get a chanceā€. I took the Jag in thence for a valet yesterday as I needed to give him the money anyway.
We had a chat about bikes and his home in Czech. He then said Ā£20 for both. This was full inside and out. I gave him 30 and had a row as he said it was too much.
There were about five lads and a lady working on it. She said it was a beautiful car. Like you , I said. She looked delighted. They were all eastern European, and grafting away for fcuk all. What kind of a total cunt would stiff people on their knees all day washing cars? There are some total cnuts in ingerland.
The Czech lad is a pinarello man cc @balbec




I figured youā€™d like that one alright.

Heā€™s a top top man is Swiss Tony.
I thought heā€™d enjoy that also @myboyblue

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A mighty sound gesture to the man the week of St Paddys.

It was his was the gesture. I never knew him from Adam, these places having a fair high turnover of staff. They dont take cards, and he could have acted the bollox as thereā€™s a cash machine about a half mile away, but he just said to drop it in when you have it.
Incidentally, the Adonis was bought by a 23 year old who sported a panerai.

Intersting question posed on Newstalk there by a listener. How woukd a mass migration to EVs be possible with the current state of the national grid?

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Weā€™d have to turn the whole country into a wind farm

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Im not a cager mate so might be better off asking one of them.

But is the the newstalk listener hypothesizing that if every single cager switched to an EV today the grid wouldnt be able to handle it and that we should worry about this situation that isnt going to happen?

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Yes that was the way he phrased it alright. His overall point about the state of the grid remains valid.

ok, everyone wont have an EV this day week mate

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We wonā€™t with that attitude anyways.


:grinning: :grinning:

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Wot da fuq

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She was about 60 mate.

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Thanks for clarifying. OK to sleaze on ould wans I spose who are doing a bit of manual labour for you :grin:

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Public infrastructure is a long way off but that shouldnā€™t be a point at all really. Home charging viable from the outset and fast charging point installable domestically also. Its just a step up in self sufficiency.
Iā€™m fast charging an ID4 from home currently and we use it for all short/school/activities travel and find it completely reliable. Longer work/business trips unfortunately need to revert to the diesal guzzling SUV and that is now thankfully once a month max.


Youā€™ve a DC charger at home :thinking:

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Who hasnā€™t referred to a woman as a beautiful car before?

Swiss Swiss Toni GIFfrom Swiss GIFs

wants confederate flag GIF