CCC Tonight, Official Prediction Thread

Back to the CHC where they’ll decide a 12 week’er
don’t you just love show biz

I feel sorry for Galvin in all of this, shocking messing around by a joke of a disciplinary system.

I don’t feel sorry for Galvin at all,he shouldn’t have acted like a spoilt kid(and not for the first time either).

I do agree the whole disciplinary process is a shambles though.


Lets ask Jenna!

[quote=“manusboyle”]I don’t feel sorry for Galvin at all,he shouldn’t have acted like a spoilt kid(and not for the first time either).

I do agree the whole disciplinary process is a shambles though.[/quote]

Whatever Galvin did, he deserves a fair trial and judgement, he’s not getting it at the moment. He has my sympathy because the limbo he is in should not be foisted on anyone.

Fair point MBB.

Maybe i’m being a touch judgemental because he’s a tosser.

Crazy stuff - anyone know what the irregularities were?

And on a separate point, why did Collie Moran get off (I’d no internet access when it happened). Was that a technicality too?

for what ??

is he innocent? errrrr no, he did it, he admitted he did it
and now because of this fcukers sense of hard done he’s appealing this even thou he did it and the money that will be spunked on this (up to 100k) will be drained from the kerry coffers and not from galvins pocket

do you thingk that volunteers for the gaa and the people who actually that money into the coffers want to see the money they put in trying to get a guilty man off on a technicality ?

if he wants to appeal and it’s his right to do so let him shell out of his own pocket

He has a right to appeal, its in the guidelines. The problem is not with him, he accepts his wrongdoing, and has gone down the correct routes to appeal what was a harsh ban in my opinion. 3 months would have been more than enough of a ban for an indiscretion of this order. It is my opinion that had they banned him for 3 months you would not have even seen an appeal.

The problem is with the process. Had they a decent process, then Galvin would have got to this point and the DRA would have uphelp the suspension and at least he’d now know where he stands. As it is, this looks set to run and run, and this isn’t right.

[quote=“myboyblue”]He has a right to appeal, its in the guidelines. The problem is not with him, he accepts his wrongdoing, and has gone down the correct routes to appeal what was a harsh ban in my opinion. 3 months would have been more than enough of a ban for an indiscretion of this order. It is my opinion that had they banned him for 3 months you would not have even seen an appeal.

The problem is with the process. Had they a decent process, then Galvin would have got to this point and the DRA would have uphelp the suspension and at least he’d now know where he stands. As it is, this looks set to run and run, and this isn’t right.[/quote]

i never said he has no right to appeal

it should come out of his own pocket

the DRA cannot change the sentence

[quote=“therock67”]Crazy stuff - anyone know what the irregularities were?

And on a separate point, why did Collie Moran get off (I’d no internet access when it happened). Was that a technicality too?[/quote]

Apparently Collie Moran got off because the DRA decided that his challenge wasn’t deserving of a retrospective red card. This was controversial as it was generally considered that the DRA’s function was to ensure that the other previous committees had observed the rules and procedures properly rather than actually adjudicating on incidents and the merits of whether no action, a yellow card or red card was appropriate.

[quote=“artfoley”]i never said he has no right to appeal

it should come out of his own pocket

the DRA cannot change the sentence[/quote]

I know the DRA cannot change the senstence, they can uphold, throw out, or send back to CHC which they did. Its not the DRA’s fault the GAA’s disciplinary system is a joke, nor is it Galvins.

And what does it matter to you if the Kerry County Board is paying to see his appeal go to the highest level? Its their right and choice to pursue this if they so wish, I’m not sure how it affects the man in the street?

[quote=“myboyblue”]I know the DRA cannot change the senstence, they can uphold, throw out, or send back to CHC which they did. Its not the DRA’s fault the GAA’s disciplinary system is a joke, nor is it Galvins.

And what does it matter to you if the Kerry County Board is paying to see his appeal go to the highest level? Its their right and choice to pursue this if they so wish, I’m not sure how it affects the man in the street?[/quote]

I think art’s point is the cost of the DRA is something crazy, and this money could be better spent helping clubs and bord na nOgs in Kerry, rather than paying for a lunatic to escape his punishment.

I dont think Kerry’s underage system is suffering too much of late now do you?

As for the DRA’s cost being so high, if someone is proven correct, as Galvin defence was, shouldnt the GAA have to foot the bill for indicting him in the wrong?

[quote=“myboyblue”]I dont think Kerry’s underage system is suffering too much of late now do you?

As for the DRA’s cost being so high, if someone is proven correct, as Galvin defence was, shouldnt the GAA have to foot the bill for indicting him in the wrong?[/quote]

I don’t know what craic is regarding fees but I just think that the 50 or 60k that has been spent on this appeal so far could have been put to better use. But ya it’s up to the county board how they spend their money. and I know you could also argue that if the money spent results in Galvin’s suspension being lifted and them winning another AI then it will have been money well spent.

While I wholeheartedly agree with both yours and Art’s arguement; the Kerry War Chest won’t miss a pingin of it. They see it as an investment and if they can get him out for the 3-in-a-row their ROI will be worth the risk.

I dont see how the KCB could have any choice to back him anyway. Not alone with the 6 months seeming excessive, how could they not back their captain?

As as MGG says, dinnae fear the Kerry war chest, the 50 or 60k wont come out of their pockets I’d say…

After Cork CB; Kerry must be the richest of the 32.
What do you reckon Babyblue

I reckon not a penny for this appeal is coming out of the Kerry coffers, wouldnt you agree?

As for the richest, Dublin has to be doing pretty well from all those jersey sales.

They all have to publish there annual reports/balance sheets every year don’t they? I wonder if there listed anywhere?