CCC Tonight, Official Prediction Thread

[quote=“myboyblue”]I reckon not a penny for this appeal is coming out of the Kerry coffers, wouldnt you agree?

As for the richest, Dublin has to be doing pretty well from all those jersey sales.[/QUOTE]

Nah; most of those are either knock off from the O’Neills Factory in Walkinstown or duds from the Red Cow Markets

Top three

1 & 2 would be close but 3’s worth could be a way behind; maybe less than half.

I’d say Antrim have a few bob too;

JP McMan… Sorry I mean Limerick.<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif

ha ha ha ha


the whole situation is absolutely farcical and is typical of ‘Irishness’. Its an absolute joke. the hwole diciplinary set up, from club level to county level is ridiculous.

A lad will strike someone a headbutt, get sent off and will then appeal his supsension. Ah sure he’s a good chap really and hasnt done anything like that before. Bandage may know of the incident too that happened in a Wexford county final a few years back between the Sarsfields and Starlights. Niall Shiel was punched across his jaw/face from behind, and his eye socket shattered and was in bits. Nothing ever happened about it. The ref or umpire never saw it. But yet you have a player whose smashed face is there for all to see. It was well known who the player was, and he is a prominent player in Wexford sport currently. It was a disgrace, but its that kind of shite, or the same with Joe Canning getting done in the Galway final that sickens me. and then players appealing every fooking suspension because there are loopholes.

As some of ye may know, I’d have a big interest in Aussie Rules, and the diciplinary systme there is so far ahead of us its unreal. Tehy do have diciplinary problems too, and to be honest, the set up with not sending players off is a strange one, but thats different story.

Basically, in AFL, if you fook someone out of it, the umpire will report the player. He takes out a notebook and writes down the players name and indiscretion and its known then he is being reported. They have classifications then for indiscretions. so for something small, you may get 50 points on your record. For big things, you may get 200. For each 100 you get, its a one game suspension. Players when reported can do 2 things, appeal or plead guilty. An early guilty plea means you get the minimum sanction that is there. So in most cases, it means players will get suspended. Sometimes tho, it will mean that by pleading guilty, you may get a points total less than 100, which stays on your record, but you dont get a suspension. The upshot tho of pleading guilty to a report tho is that you are ruled out of player of the year.

The other scenario is appealling. if yo appeal, you may get off, or get less points. however, as it is being brought to tribunal, there is a good chance they will increase your points total, effectivly for wasting their time. So by appealing, you run the risk of getting a longer suspension.

All this happens on the monday after all the weekends games. There is no bullshitting around, no wasting time or messing and players know the craic. You appeal only if its deserving of an appeal. No fooking Frank Murphy loopholes and bullshit like that.

Penalty Points

I like it

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Penalty Points

I like it[/quote]

They could get some helpful tips from the Gardai too on how to implement them.

But if you follow the Guards principle my question is
What if Cork are playing in Kildare, Laois; in the vicinity of Clonmel and Cashel or anywhere close to Dungarvan? Would we be vunerable to questionable points? I know I can’t seem to avoid the things.

And I’m a good girl.

AFL is a professional organisation which conducts itself professionally.

GAA is an amateur organisation which conducts itself amateurishly.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I know the DRA cannot change the senstence, they can uphold, throw out, or send back to CHC which they did. Its not the DRA’s fault the GAA’s disciplinary system is a joke, nor is it Galvins.

And what does it matter to you if the Kerry County Board is paying to see his appeal go to the highest level? Its their right and choice to pursue this if they so wish, I’m not sure how it affects the man in the street?[/quote]

it affects the man on the street because they put the money into those coffers

galvin is guilty of 2 offences which both carry 12week minimum sentences
he abused the ref = 12 weeks
he abused the linesman = 12 weeks
by taking it to the DRA he was trying to get off on a tecnicality, not exactly the actions of a man who is full of remorse is it ?

he has got what he deserved by the rules for what he did, he appealed and it was turned down, it should’nt have gone to the DRA

Put the DRA there, and people will go to it. Not his fault the option was open to him.

As for the man on the street putting the money into the coffers, I have yet to speak to any Kerry man (who are the ones putting the money into the Kerry coffers as you say) who feel that Galvin shouldnt go to the DRA.

You’ve a very idealised view of the GAA disciplinary system if you think it runs this way all the time

galvin is guilty of 2 offences which both carry 12week minimum sentences
he abused the ref = 12 weeks
he abused the linesman = 12 weeks

I guarantee you, ban him for 3 months originally, and the DRA wouldnt even have come into the equation.

[quote=“myboyblue”]AFL is a professional organisation which conducts itself professionally.

GAA is an amateur organisation which conducts itself amateurishly.[/quote]

worst thing about that tho is the hierarchy of the GAA arent amatuers and are paid to be doing this work. The whole system of the GAA should be far better than it is, especially WRT diciplinary proceedures. As you pointed out yourself, the DRA was put in place and people will use it/exploit it if it is there. Thats the problem, there are far too many appeals boards set up. CCC, DRA and all the other fooking abreviated coonts.

Does anyone have the definitive listing of committees and what order they go in? Is it something like the following - CHC, CAC, CCCC, DRA. Joke. Have one disciplinary committee and then an appeals body and that should be it. Disciplinary committee meet on the Monday night after every weekend of games and Appeals committee on the Wednesday. Cases concluded within a maximum of 3 or 4 days.

Gman, that Niall Sheil incident you mention was horrific and completely unprovoked. It was sickeningly and cowardly too as he was struck with a roundhouse blow from just behind and to the side while someone else was down injured and he was literally standing there minding his own business. He was never involved in any trouble on the pitch in his life and is a sound and friendly lad. Yer man should have been prosecuted, never mind banned from playing football, but the shit that went on behind the scenes on the perpetrator’s behalf was fairly disgusting too. Well known Enniscorthy based politicians visiting Niall Sheil in hospital and trying to butter him up so he wouldn’t take the matter further and all sorts of sly crap like that.

I am starting to feel somewhat sympathetic towards galvin now seem as the gaa are dragging the shit outta this…he should have been given 3 months and let that be that…there are far too many avenues of appeal in the gaa…one appeal that should be it…and i think players should take a bit more accountability for their actions when they have been sent off…fair play to mullane a few years ago he got a 3 month ban and he took it on the chin as he knew he had done wrong…

[quote=“Bandage”]Does anyone have the definitive listing of committees and what order they go in? Is it something like the following - CHC, CAC, CCCC, DRA. Joke. Have one disciplinary committee and then an appeals body and that should be it. Disciplinary committee meet on the Monday night after every weekend of games and Appeals committee on the Wednesday. Cases concluded within a maximum of 3 or 4 days.

Gman, that Niall Sheil incident you mention was horrific and completely unprovoked. It was sickeningly and cowardly too as he was struck with a roundhouse blow from just behind and to the side while someone else was down injured and he was literally standing there minding his own business. He was never involved in any trouble on the pitch in his life and is a sound and friendly lad. Yer man should have been prosecuted, never mind banned from playing football, but the shit that went on behind the scenes on the perpetrator’s behalf was fairly disgusting too. Well known Enniscorthy based politicians visiting Niall Sheil in hospital and trying to butter him up so he wouldn’t take the matter further and all sorts of sly crap like that.[/quote]

the above series of initials got be thinking Bandy

instead of z-list pundits as member status how about applying the above and similiar rungs of hierarchy

bags the Honorory Treasurer. Art can be Central Council; Rocks - Dicky Murphy, Shannon the Dual Player; you could be tUachtarin and Flano Hill 16.

AFR could be formely recognised as The Weaker County (instead of Leitrim)

Bags Frank Murphy, you’re all fucked.

but at least your on my side.

Frank is on Franks side.

Word is filtering out that Galvins had the ban reduced to 3 months. have it now

Galvin to serve three-month ban Print

The GAA have confirmed that Kerry’s Paul Galvin will serve a three-month suspension following a meeting of the reconvened CHC ( Central Hearings Committee) last night.

Galvin had originally been given a six-month ban but the Disputes Resolution Authority ruled that there were ‘procedural irregularities’ in the decision and ordered a reconstituted CHC to rule on Galvin’s case.

In a statement released today the GAA revealed that Galvin is serving penalties under category I (remainder of the game being played), II (fours weeks suspension in the same code and at the same level) and IV (12 weeks suspension at all levels and in all codes).

The suspensions will run concurrently and begins from the date of the incident so Galvin will be free to participate in the GAA All-Ireland SFC final if Kerry progress to that stage of the competition.