Celeb Spot Near Misses Thread

Who: Jeff Stelling
Where: Olhos d’Agua, Algarve, Portugal
When: 29th June 2010
Spotted by: TFK Astro star Stevie G
Other info:

Mr Stelling was sitting at the bar drinking shorts. Bandage will confirm the name of the alcohol he was consuming. He is very small. Stelling sat near two young English holidaymakers in their early 20s and spoke to them at length about football and his job. One of the holidaymakers was a young man. Every time he went out for a smoke or to the jacks Jeff started scoring the other one who was female. This continued for a few hours during the Spain v Portugal World Cup game on tv. Stevie and his mates found this very funny but it turned out that the two holidaymakers were brother and sister and therefore not romantically involved. Jeff did nothing while the brother was there though. At one stage the brother took a photo of the girl and Jeff. Jeff had his hand up the back of the girl’s top but the brother couldn’t see this from his angle. Oh and the girl was heavy. Not enormous but a “big girl.”

The English pair asked him about where they might go out clubbing or for more drinks but Jeff wasn’t sure. Instead he invited them back to his apartment to finish the night off but they declined and left soon afterwards. At this point Stevie G and his mates considered approaching Jeff to chat to him but there was no need. Jeff just scooched along the bar to them. He dragged his stool with him and in his hand held onto a copy of this book:


Jeff continued to drink the same shots, refusing offers of drinks from Stevie’s mates because he had plenty of those shots left still. He had another half dozen drinks with the lads, speaking about football and his work for Sky. He informed them that Chris Kamara has had a number of job offers from high profile top English clubs but turned them down. He stated that he believes the English soccer team are overrated by themselves and by the media.

The next day Stevie and his mates were walking through the town and they saw Jeff again. He was still carrying a copy of his book in his hand.

This article confirms he has an apartment in the Algarve:

Outstanding :clap: :clap:

How stevieg couldn’t log this himself in Celeb Spotting thread is a travesty…

Unbelievable Jeff!!!

Also hope his wife Liz or his two sons don’t read TFK…

Jeff was drinking mojitos according to Stevie G.

Rocko is some ape, sure they are cocktails not shorts/shots…

I blame the accent. It was some drink I’d never heard of - didn’t sound anything like mojito, a drink I’m fond of.

only drank them the once and wasn’t a fan, bit too bitter for my liking…

The only bit I doubt is the book. Maybe he’d have it one time you’d see him for some unexplained reason but can’t believe he was just carrying it around with him all the time. Especially not during the day when he’s sober. He’s an intelligent enough fella.
That sounds like something the boys would throw in as an addition when they’re locked. ‘jaysus he was so fond of talking about himself I’m surpised he didn’t have a copy of his autobiography with him’.

The bus containing the Argentina football squad passed me by on Pearse Street around half an hour ago. It had a garda escort and it was a Bus Éireann bus with “AFA Special” embazoned across the front but I couldn’t really make out any of the players due to the speed with which it went past. They were all wearing white polo shirts though


Mojitos are sweet, it wasn’t a mojito if it was bitter. :rolleyes:

Ever have a Mojito made with Havanna Club? Bitter as fuck.

Yup, and they ain’t bitter. As long as its white rum being used, which is the only rum to be used in a mojito. Using black rum makes it a different drink , and you’ve been had by the barman as black rum is cheaper, generally. Most places use brown sugar, but cane sugar is the best. Again, if some dickhead is pouring in white sugar, you are again being had, as this just dissolves at the bottom quickly.

I caught sight of this too Bandage. They cops escorting the bus were being right d!cks, they roared at some fella for not getting out of the way quick enough, why they can’t just sit in traffic (or take the port tunnel) is beyond me, I really dislike this kind of special treatment being meted out.

In other news Roger Moore was drinking in Gorey last week.

That shite riles me as well.

I remember one Ireland match where Billo said that Souness would be along later as his flight had been delayed. Souness arrives eventually and thanks the Gardai for the escort.

What to fuck did he need an escort for?!

Are ye retarded?

If we didn’t have a police escort for the Argentina football team we’d look like some mopes.

What if there was a crash or major traffic congestion? In dublin, nah never… :rolleyes:

The game was bringing alot of money to the local economy, its expected that the show starts on time.

I daresay insurance was involved as well.

You’re a mong.

Look like mopes to who? Who cares what they think? Why can’t the leave slightly earlier if they want the match on time?

If a steward is running late should they also get a police escort? All men are equal.

You’re tendancy to bow down to others is not your fault though Kev, it’s deeply ingrained in Irish people.

You could definitely have got the words “forelock tugging” in there somewhere.

saw this crap 2 weeks ago for the dublin football team trying to get out through drumcondra less than half an hour after the game and traffic wasnt moving and these power hungry cops going mental with people

in other news the Leinster Rugby Team are currently residing in Bandages favourite Hotel in wexford that been Clonards Sponsor Whites and having been training in Wexford Wanderers Rugby Club this week with an open session to the public today

Shocking revelations from CLG!