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Its funny you mention that.

My dads home carer is a tyrone man. A lovely man and a former Tyrone underage player. Anyway he regularly remarks on how different Cork people are and the difference in culture. He is here i think 20+ years and he says he still gets a laugh or even a shock at some things.

But crucially, he is glad he brought his kids up here.

He recognises the horrible backwardness of Tyrone. He always sayd “nothing ever changes in Tyrone”.

Thats what you come from.

What this chap did is happening every minute of every day. Men and women using power to charm other men and women into sexual activity.
Have you ever told a woman a lie to get into her knickers?
I used tell women I was a pilot back in the day when aere lingus were the only way of getting to London and they charged you 350 pounds. Loads of women fell for it, hook line and sinker

he must be a real werido


A pity that man is a fictional character in your head.


Maybe she will regret it years later and become depressed about it

This thread is really priceless :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

As if any woman is going to believe a semi-literate Bogger cunt like you is a pilot. :rofl:


Like your wife?

Isn’t that what happened stumpy?

And the Aussie bird who fucked off back?

And your dog who killed himself because he couldn’t listen you anymore?


Suth Rcott

Its gas that the man with such morals @Nembo_Kid
Likes that post, exposing the 2 of ye.

Ye are so easy to get ye to receal yourselves. Its fucking hilarious

Ok guys

Things getting a little heated here


I think that post hits a few home truths you don’t like.

You’re always playing the victim on his here with your woe is me stories, you never take responsibility for your actions and you don’t like people contradicting your lies and fabrications.

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She made a bad choice then I suppose but bad form saying kev forced her to do anything. The man is a gent


I bet you bought the uniform and walked up and down Grafton Street in it and all.

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If the man is a gent why is he a successful, handsome and youthful looking 40 yo singleton whose exes all moved to another continent after leaving him?

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Right on que

Maybe hes just not the marrying kind

he’s hardly bent is he?

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Soon to be worth 75m too