Celebrities you've never heard of (well, until now)

He needs to find his soulmate. He also needs to breed soon. The clock is ticking there.

So what attracted you to odious pockmarked millionaire whale Harvey Weinstein ?

Mrs Merton explains a lot .

What odds if he is. No skin off my nose. I thought yed be more tolerant on the mainland

Must have been his rapey personality.

A feminist witch hunt. From feminist cunts, once I heard the names judd, Jolie, and GP, calling all women to get strong, same shit, it was Trump grabbing pussy last year the failed to burn him. So they decided to go after the sleezey producer whos cock they had to suck to get famous.

At 41, is she eligible for the ‘Auld Birds’ thread, or is the cut-off 45?

Is it just regrets you have or is it jealousy as well?

Whoa. Harvey is a liberal. Wasn’t he one of the good guys up to now?

He’s a sleazeball. The celebs are coming out now but imagine all the young wans that never made it that he abused over the years?

Nope cut off is 45, unless you’re @myboyblue and are desperately trying to cling on to your youth.

The number is 40

In all fairness she must have been desperate for the few bob if she’d hop into the scratcher with that ogre.

Hanging around with him since she was 27

As the oul fella used to say, Love is blind, marriage is an eye opener




This must have come out of the blue for her.

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Heard Hillary on the radio earlier giving it big licks about exposing such things, the dodgy bitch

I love the way the Oirish media are frothing about this Weinstein character that nobody in oireland ever heard of but have bar an exception or two closed ranks on David Walsh and Donal Cusackd attempts to get a judge to be lenient on a sex predator friend of theirs.


Surprised they turned on Harvey. He’s a great democrat.