Celebrity Deaths 2007

I don’t know - I think there’s a distinct difference between being old and frail and being 80 odd and battling throat cancer. I move to dismiss this inclusion.

Is he still battling it or has he overcome it?

If i may defend my case…
I was under the impression dear aul ronnie has recovered from the throat ilnees he had.
the rules of the celebrity dead pool are always open to debate about eligibility so If its deemed unfair on dear aul ronnie I’ll re[place him with…
paul daniels . have a sneaky suspicion he’s about to shuffle off his mortal coil.
bags 1st go on debbie mcgee

Mike Reid, who played Frank Butcher in Eastenders, has died of a heart attack. I have to say he was a very good actor and used to brighten up that show whenever I used to watch it

Do youse remember him on the kids show years ago.


I’ve had a quick audit of this thread and I don’t believe any of the nominations have keeled over yet this year.

There’s still time for new/returning members to enter.

At the moment it looks like it could be a celebrity death rollover into 2008.

This is a fooking deadly thread, I didn’t see this one before.

I think we should make a rules clarification as this is near the top.

I think it’s always going to be difficult to pick a frail older celebrity who doesn’t have some ailment. We certainly don’t want someone picking Ronnie Drew because he’s battling cancer only for him to lose that battle a few weeks later and someone wins the competition unfairly. Having said that it’s equally unfair for someone to pick Ronnie Drew and for him to get smacked by a bus a month later but for the claim to be denied because he had throat cancer.

In other words when the pre-existing condition is unrelated to the cause of death then that celebrity should be a valid entry. It goes against the spirit of the competition to exclude the likes of Ronnie Drew when he could easily fall down a flight of stairs as opposed to succumbing to an illness.

What if someone identifys a potential death and said person develops an ailment afterwards?

That would be fine Flano. It’s only to prevent people from capitalising on people who are already sick. If you pick someone to die and they died from something they were already dying from then that should earn you nothing. However if you choose someone and they die from something new or something nobody knew they had (even if it’s a disease) then of course you’ve earned your win.

Agree on the cause of death clause completely. If the cause is totally unrelated to the previous illness then it would be ridiculous in the extreme to disallow it. I’d liken it to the ‘not interfering with play’ offside ruling in football. If a celebrity has a history of heart problems and dies of a heart attack then he’s clearly offside and it should be disallowed. However, if the celeb with the pre-existing heart ailment is murdered by a crazed and deranged fan, for example, then this is definitely a case of not interfering with play and the death should stand.

Opinions on whether those who’ve entered shoud be allowed to amend/update their selections at this late stage. With newer members having the advantage of being able to enter now and have the most up-to-date celebrity knowledge and gossip then are they predicting from an unfair and privileged position? Should we all have the opportunity to revise our entries in this case?

As an aside, I can’t get over Farmer’s initial post on this thread. 11 months ago and I laughed out loud when I read it last night. What a clown.

“Bandage agrees with therock67 shocker”

Appendage wrote:

“Bandage agrees with therock67 shocker”

Not the first person who has ever said that. I broke my heart laughing at this. Some serious karma for you

Is it date of death or when we find out about the death that counts?

If it’s date of death mccann I change my selection?

ClarkeyCat wrote:

Is it date of death or when we find out about the death that counts?

If it’s date of death mccann I change my selection?

Give it the man, he deserves to win after that or at least a “Maddie Back Special”

Bastard Clarkey. I had told Mrs Rock the other day that I was going to use Maddie in 2008.

I think we should open this up for new entrants. Should missing persons go under the pre-existing ailment clause? I reckon so.

Great minds think alike Appendage and Flano. I’m struggling to think of two minds greater than myself and Rocko. This was hardly going to cause dissension though - it would be ridiculous to allow pre-existing illnesses in. And even more ridiculous to disallow an instance of someone with a pre-existing illness dying from a totally unrelated accident. Re McCann, I don’t think that she qualifies as a celebrity just a silly youngster who thought she was old enough to go out on the town even though her parents had told her to stay in bed and mind her younger siblings. Therefore, I move to rule her out.

following on from all the ronnie drew conjecture :
if dear aul ronnie does pop his clogs in the next 48 days do i win

  • prize

i dont “hang” with the other denizens of TKF and since i have a most irrational hatred of all things celtic i’m probably not mr popularity but surely i can still win the prize… this all assumes either ronnie,paul daniels or jamie oliver fooks off and dies of course

My reading of the situation would be that you would claim the prize if Ronnie dies from something other than throat cancer given it was common knowledge he’d been suffering from that terrible affliction. Also, any type of Jamie Oliver or Paul Daniels death would see you claim the prize given neither has a pre-existing illness in the public domain. All of this is of course dependent on other people’s nominations remaining fine and dandy. I think the controversy would be earth shattering if Ronnie succumbed to a secondary cancer that struck laregely due to the first. Ruling please?

I think that would have to be allowed. I’d liken it to the offside rule you compared to earlier Bandage. While Ronnie would certainly be taking advantage of his existing ailment, he didn’t die directly from that existing ailment so he can use that to his (dis)advantage without censure.

It would be like if Ronnie went to the Mater Hospital for a check-up and got knocked down by an ambulance outside. Some people could argue he wouldn’t be in that position to die if it wasn’t for the throat cancer in the first place. I think though that once the throat cancer doesn’t get him he’s then “played onside” and can die from anything else.