☘ Celtic transfer window summer 2019

It’s not crazy.

He’s either worth it or not. Celtic are looking to lowball Motherwell. He’s either worth the risk or not. We’re not talking about a huge outlay. Motherwell are dead right to tell Celtic to do one, just like Hibs last season.

It is crazy.

He was worth it, but then his injury was discovered.

So he’s not worth it now, but he will be worth it if he gets over his injury.

Hence an offer of reduced upfront and more appearance based in acknowledgment of his injury and need to recover and prove his fitness.

Completely logical. Your stance here is daft.

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He’s either worth it or not. A 19 year old for £3m. The risk factor is either taken on or not. I wouldn’t want Celtic to be dropping the price for Tierney or McGregor because they have to undergo minor surgery.

Celtic wouldn’t have agreed the fee of £3.25m if they knew he needed surgery that could keep him out for 3-6 months so your starting premise is misguided. He’s not worth that now because he faces a decent chunk of time out and every surgery has a risk associated with it.

Celtic could conceivably take a similar stance with an injured player but I’d expect a potential buying club to act no differently to what Celtic did here. They attempted to find a compromise but it wasn’t agreeable to Motherwell.

You’re being petty here because you’re pre-disposed to criticising the Board. I’m disappointed with you.

My starting premise is not misguided.

I’m say in light of the injury, Celtic should done of two things:

  1. Pull out of the deal as they have concerns over the injury
  2. Take the risk on the injury because they don’t believe it is of that much concern or the player is worth the risk.

£3m for a 19 year old with potential like Turnbull is a pittance. Motherwell have quite rightly told Celtic to ram it just like I would expect Celtic to do if some other side were trying to lowball them on the value of a player.

Every team will deem a risk with a transfer. I don’t seem to see what the risk is with Turnbull for £3m. I’m fairly ambivalent to the player as a whole. Why should Motherwell be willing to renegotiate, they are the terms, that is what they feel he is worth.

Celtic should have either pulled out or stick with it, instead they tried to lowball Motherwell.

Your position is misguided because you’re wrong and your stance is devoid of logic.

Of course there’s a risk with any transfer. That’s why clubs make players undergo medicals and this one has uncovered a problem.

They’re not lowballing - they’re restructuring to take the injury into account. Motherwell would get their fee but in stages as he proves his fitness and plays games.

The compromise couldn’t be agreed and Celtic have effectively pulled out now.

So you’re essentially getting agitated by semantics, which is dumb.

My stance is entirely logical. The transfer has fallen through because Celtic have tried to renegotiate the terms.

It did not fall through due to the medical as Celtic did not pull out.

He’s a Motherwell player and they are quite right not to be lowballed on their brightest prospect due to a minor injury.

I have no issue with Celtic pulling over concerns about a players fitness. I do have an issue with a transfer falling through because Celtic are trying to lowball a club because of a players fitness.

If Turnbull was a Celtic player, I would find the revised offer insulting.

Your stance is completely illogical.

The transfer didn’t proceed on the original terms because of the injury revealed by the medical.

Motherwell can indeed do what they like.

The transfer fee was agreed subject to successful completion of a medical. An injury was discovered so referring to what’s happened since as “lowballing” is both silly and inaccurate. Stop being silly.

That’s your prerogative, but your starting premise is misguided.

My stance is not illogical. Would you expect Celtic to rollover if an issue was uncovered in Tierney’s medical or would you expect them to stick firm to their valuation?

Do Celtic make much of a profit every year? If so what does Desmond pull out of the club in dividends?

As the dominant club in the SPL, Celtic are playing a blinder here. They see an opportunity to drive the price down and are perfectly within their rights to do so. You don’t stay top dog if you let the up-starts call the shots. It would be madness to pay full price for an injured player. No club would do it, I doubt insurance would allow it anyway.

A blinder? It’s been a litany of transfer fuck ups in the past 12 months. A sham of a manager has been appointed and Celtic are in big bother of being leapfrogged this year.

It is illogical.

Whoever the selling club is has every right to stick to a valuation but it’d be quite naive to think a potential buying club would be neutral to a medical revealing a requirement for surgery and a mooted 3-6 month absence. That’s irrespective of whoever the selling or buying clubs are.

It’s quite naive for a potential buying club to think they can lowball a club on their star 19 year old player on the results of a medical.

Another transfer embarrassment for Lawwell and Celtic.

It’s not lowballing. You’re being dumb.

It is lowballing. The transfer is off, Motherwell told Celtic to do one.

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Nope. Incorrect.

I’m impartial here so I’ll adjudicate.

I’m siding with @Bandage on this one. I will follow @Cicero_Dandi to the ends of the earth on most topics but this is the wrong hill to die on.

Generally a profit but it depends on Champions League qualification and player transfers and the likes.

They paid £500k in dividends last year. Desmond owns about 40% of the club I think so that’s not going to be very material for him. (But the dividends are on preference shares only I think and I don’t know what his % of those is. Either way I doubt he’s in it for the dividends).