☘ Celtic transfer window summer 2019

Embarrassing at this stage. Just put the deal through or call it off. Back off not with the begging bowl trying to lowball a small club like Motherwell.

Complete hysteria. It doesn’t suit anybody to drag this out but a medical is a rather fundamental part of any transfer and if he had an issue that changes things. Don’t be so myopic to just blame the club over absolutely everything.

Ah fuck off. What are we looking to save? A few hundred thousand on a 19 year old? He’s either worth the risk or not. It’s embarrassing.

We’re out there trying to hawk off Tierney and you’re going to come on here and defend the board trying to scrimp a few quid on Turnbull.

Apparently agreed an €8m fee for Jullien. He looks like he is very good and I think that will be a good piece of business if we get it over the line.


So don’t bother with a medical for a £3m+ record signing? You’ve lost the plot.

And you don’t seem to have any grasp of the Tierney situation. Not sure who your impeccable sources are that we’re trying so hard to sell him.

There’s no way he signed his last extremely long extension without an assurance he’d be allowed leave if a big offer came in. Similar to the assurance Dembele got and spoke about. There’s nothing done or accepted but the reality is Tierney will want to move for more money in a bigger league at some stage.

i feel this post is somewhat influenced by the fact that you have an appointment to meet a medical consultant at a private hospital this morning.
i have looked through your posting history and cant find much evidence of your passionate advocacy of medical checks, yet suddenly mere hours before you meet ‘the specialist’ you are throwing the book at @Cicero_Dandi for daring to question the integrity of rumor about a slightly flawed scan. A moderator should be above such influence.


Where the fuck did I say that?

If he has medical issues then it either makes the deal not viable or it is only minor. It’s £3m quid, what are we looking to save? You tell me what the sum amount these medical issues come down to?

Your continual defence of Lawwell is embarrassing, it’s widely reported we have set the fee for Tierney which seriously undervalues him in the current market, we want to sell, the player is under a long term contract and doesn’t seem to want to leave so why are we trying to push him out the door?

You think Tierney has looked for assurances he will be sold? Now that sounds like someone who has no grasp of the Tierney situation.

If Tierney is not forcing the move then why are we looking to move him on for £25m? We have no financial pressure, he’s under a long term contract and we have no ready made replacement. £25m is the going rate for a good left back these days, Tierney is an excellent one, he is 22, he is content to stay and he is vital to the team. It should be taking around £40m at least for Celtic to have their heads turned but they know they are unlikely to get that so will sell for much less to get him out the door.

Ok you’re just getting angry with hypothetical situations now so I’ll leave you to it.

And you’re blindly defending the board when it’s obvious what their intentions are. There is no viable reason to sell Tierney if he is happy to stay.

Tierney will be a success in England, great player.

That’s all speculation.

The speculation is that Celtic are only willing to pay £750k upfront for the injured Turnbull, with various add ons for appearances and other things getting it up towards the originally accepted £3.25m offer.

Motherwell will rightly tell them to get rammed.

I’m not sure there’s a better centre back in world football at the moment than Jullien.

I heard he plays too loose

Tilting Turnbull deal to more appearance based fee having discovered injury - I ENDORSE.

Setting a £25m fee for Tierney and looking to cash in on “the asset” - I CONDEMN.

Celtic barely reinvest what they make on sales for the last decade or so, never mind actually dipping into profits/reserves and building on what we have.

Getting impression it’ll be like when Lennon first got job. Sell Tierney for big money (ala McGeady back then) and use that to buy 3 or 4 lads complemented by a couple of frees in Julien, Turnbull, AN Other x 2 or 3.

Linked with Huddersfield defender Mathias Jorgensen today.

I share your sentiments.

I’m just not naive enough to think Celtic would sell Tierney if he doesn’t want to leave. I’m sure he has been given promises/assurances about a move. I think £25m is at the low end of his value (though a left back is not going to command the same fee as a striker of similar ability unfortunately). But I’m not sure Celtic are “orchestrating” any of this. Arsenal are not going to be interested because Celtic told them to be. Any EPL club will basically feel they can have the pick of Celtic’s players whenever they want.

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You’re chemical ali-esque pro Lawell propaganda sickens me


I think you are naive enough to think they wouldn’t try and sell him even if he doesn’t want to go. You were naive enough to think Lennon wouldn’t get the job long term.

Ah congratulations @Rocko. Didn’t realise today was the big day. I know you’re a little worried and it came a bit late for this year, but these procedures are routine these days apparently and im sure you’ll be there front and centre in the parade next year. Àdh mòr.