Celtic vs Huns - Skol Cup Final

[quote=“Bandage”]Puke’s made his adjudication and it appears that the diaspora don’t have valid claim to Irish identity so let’s ban those little second generation bitches from attending Irish dancing classes in North London.

I’ll tell you another thing too, if Puke was in charge of the Rose of Tralee, there would be no Boston Rose allowed to enter. GAA would be banned outside Ireland too.

But thankfully, not everyone is that insular. I want to give another shout out to the universal Irish, who are still celebrating today’s victory. It’s apparently hopping from Wishaw to Wexford to Wyoming to Woolongong. Forza Celtic. Forza McGeady. ;)[/quote]

I have no problem with the Irish diaspora, my main problem was with you declaring Celtic’s win as a proud day for Ireland, McGeady is a plastic paddy…Similar to the way Kevin Peoterson is English…

I don’t remember you declaring it a proud day for Ireland when Robbie Keane won a league cup medal last year

[quote=“The Puke”]I have no problem with the Irish diaspora, my main problem was with you declaring Celtic’s win as a proud day for Ireland, McGeady is a plastic paddy…Similar to the way Kevin Peoterson is English…

I don’t remember you declaring it a proud day for Ireland when Robbie Keane won a league cup medal last year[/quote]

A plastic paddy. :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley:

You clearly know nothing about the lad.

You’re hurting Puke. Why don’t you blast out a few anthems of the famine song to make you feel better? You really are seething.

[quote=“tipptops*”]Ray Houghton spent every summer in Donegal with his grandmother and is a legend and is at least as Irish, if not more Irish than ROG.

Houghton had the bottle for the big day.[/quote]

Remember Ray Houghton being interviewed on the Late Late a good few years back and they were talking about the time he put the ball in the English net. He said as a Scot it was his favourite moment in sport. He repeated the point a few minutes later. Ray Houghton was the reason I transferred allegiance from Liverpool to Aston Villa and those comments hurt. So much so that when he moved to Crystal Palace I let him off and stayed with the Villa.


The day I am seething over scottish football will be a sad day for me bandage…

You are right Bandage. He is raging,

Might trash my living here I am in such a temper:D

[quote=“The Puke”]I have no problem with the Irish diaspora, my main problem was with you declaring Celtic’s win as a proud day for Ireland, McGeady is a plastic paddy…Similar to the way Kevin Peoterson is English…

I don’t remember you declaring it a proud day for Ireland when Robbie Keane won a league cup medal last year[/quote]

Was deValera Irish enough for you puke?

Spanish cunt

look how bad he is gone now…typing gibberish.


[quote=“The Puke”]I have no problem with the Irish diaspora, my main problem was with you declaring Celtic’s win as a proud day for Ireland, McGeady is a plastic paddy…Similar to the way Kevin Peoterson is English…

I don’t remember you declaring it a proud day for Ireland when Robbie Keane won a league cup medal last year[/quote]

Well said Pukey, Glasgow Celtic are a plastic paddy organisation of the highest order that prostituted their supposed heritage to wear the emblem of the British Army.

Nice to see the Irish representatives doing well all the same. I also like the way McGeady showed a bit of responsibility to take the penalty after winning it. I’m expecting big things from the young Glaswegian against the Bulgarians.

He’s blatantly gutted alright. If I was an insular Irishman holding a bitter grudge against members of the Irish diaspora and the diaspora representative team then I’d be gutted if Celtic won silverware, with two Irish players scoring. In fact, he’s beyond gutted - he’s actually seething.

takes one to know one

Christ, spelling mistakes and inane sentences from Pukey now. Seething is only the half of it. I wonder if he’s going to acknowledge a potential Irish Grand Slam given Israeli born Jamie Heaslip has scored decisive tries in some of the games. Is James Connolly Irish enough for you, Pukey? Man, you seem to be seething.

Badly Rattled now!

James Connolly was scottish bandage…

He may well have been a great man for Ireland but he is scottish, born and reared…

I believe James Connolly spent his youth on the terraces of Ibrox, Pukey.

If Reading win the play off final will you be delighted that a diaspora rep team were winning silverware?

Oh and why do you even care that there are Irish qualified players doing well in Glasgow? You have claimed on here many times that you dont support the Irish national side so by that argument it would be immaterial to you if Glasgow Celtic’s players came from Dubai or Donegal.

At least try and be consistent, you claim to have more in common with people from Glasgow and by definition of where Glasgow is - Scotland/Great Britain, than where you are actually from. Be thankful therefore for the amount of Scottish players playing today for the mighty ‘Celts’ in a great victory over their despicable bigoted rivals.

That’s the point, Pukey. He was part of the Irish diaspora in Scotland, just like McGeady is now. You’re surely not denying the diaspora their right to classify themselves as Irish. Surely not, unless you are seething.

did he, I would say that James probably thought of himself as an Irishman, same way flano thinks of himself as a legend…