Champions League Round of 16

I got it first hand from a french man named Phillip

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I’d say the opposite. Does anybody like watching these English teams play as good as they are? Barely an interesting player between them. PSG going far would keep the tournament alive.

Wouldn’t include Man Utd in that, they are fairly interesting for obvious reasons

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He doesn’t sound very French.

The Premier League is by far the most watched league in the world you’d have to say yes they do.

The continentals aren’t up to it.

How do you know what he sounds like :thinking:

I didn’t think it was a penalty.

You don’t get many Phillips in France. Plenty in Stoke and Kilkenny though.

Brian Kerr did. Personally I thought it was an obvious example of a big team getting a dodgy decision in their favour. The Salzburg chap got his to foot to the ball ahead of the Bayern player and was promptly taken down by the clumsiness of the Bayern player’s failed attempt to reach the ball.

City are the best team left in it by a distance. But they are city in the champions league so there’s always the hope they make a fuck of it.

Liverpool will take them in a two-legged tie, Guardiola would shit the togs again. Klopp is more often than not a master in European knockouts

Neymar was nearly killed there.

I had no idea the Champions League was back

Spurs have killed Son as a player. Meelan very comfortable here

Watching psg here. Messi and neymar are sad shadows of their former selves. I remember watching MSN for Barca and they were unplayable. You wouldnt recognise them tonight. Psg are killing themselves leaving them as a two up top with no responsibilities. Playing with 9 without the ball

doing alright all the same… no goal conceded. I fancy them to nick one or two in the second half

You’d swear the way those two cunts on RTÉ are commentating that they were 5 down.

Bang of a Marquinhos 1-niller off this

or a Ramos. Messi will do something yet as well

Mendes will be hooked soon I’d say and it’ll be a 3-4-3 with Mbappe on