Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

We’ve got savage GPS equipment, so we do, and you’ve got fuck all.


Welcome to the big leagues, Brian


Nothing but the best for our lads.



Kinnerk has a contact in NASA for the latest in cutting edge technology, we’ve moved on from the bog standard GPS stuff.


GPS loses signal under the bed

I’m waiting for you to go public with the other text message

This is more of that cyber bullying Davy warned us about

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Is Frank behind or in front of a printer there?

Well thats a fair shot to be taking. Is it himself?


Frank has been involved with Club Clare, which tries to fund raise for Clare hurling. I’d say he is all too aware of the bollockology going on. The person responsible from the previous Club Clare committee won’t even hand over access to the website and email address to them.


As an aside, when a placid and unassuming chap like Frank Lohan is taking to twitter to vent t about how bad and backward things are it says a lot. The 95/97 bunch were all for the most part a laid back crew off the field but will be interesting to see if any of them are willing to air some dirty laundry with the national media to try and force change.


Change is coming I’d say. A former manager going on national TV and giving one side of the story must have driven a few people demented?

To be honest I think a lot of it is to do with the current state of Caherlohan, the finances and how we have gone to shit underage. 6 million or so spent on the centre of excellence and the senior hurlers couldn’t use it over the autumn, huge debts yet we have Pat and Joe Cooney telling everyone that it is under control while cronyism and a lack of funding is holding back our development squads.

Pat using Covid to slash costs while the sum total of fuck all fund raising was done last year left a very sour taste for a lot of people. Then add Davy and his usual attention seeking probably hasn’t helped.

Pat’s time is up but he won’t go easy. It is a matter of power and devotion, just like farmers and land and he will be damned if he has to step aside and hand over the reigns to someone else.

A more cynical view of it would be that Pat wants to stay in charge and hand over the reigns to a disciple as he knows that there are some serious skeletons to come out if the curtains are ever drawn back. Tony Considine, Mike Mac, the Sparrow, Donal and Jerry and now Lohan all had to operate on a relatively shoe string budget compared to other counties and constantly had to harrass Pat for slioters, gear, food, support staff to be paid.
Suddenly Davy gets the job and we have the biggest backroom team in the country, warm weather training camps, new sliothers for each session, monogrammed towels and everything else that an intercounty manager could ask for without issue. Yet no accounts have ever been made for fundraising under the Davy years from 2012 to 2016 and I would hazard a guess that if someone went through where the funds for Caherlohan and the Cusack Park renovations were truly spent there would be some at best awkward questions for Pat to answer.


Not sure cork would be a great example…is that not like saying Ireland was great to work closely with Ajai Chopra?


It was either Ajay or continue let the few who held the purse strings enrich themselves whilst it was burning

Pat won’t like this one bit.

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He cant be far away from faking a heart attack.