Clare Gaa šŸ Thread mark II

Delegates of The County Board

The last 4 weeks have been some of the most difficult times for the administration of the GAA in our counties recent history, a poll online showed that the supporters and patrons of Clare GAA have grown tired and sickened by the continuing circus revolving around the executive of the county board and in particular the holder of power on that board.

ā€œAbuseā€ continues to be talked about, to our team it seems to be simply deflection and trying to avoid the hard questions, letā€™s be clear the publishing of leaked information and highlighting issues regarding Clare GAA is not abuse! Itā€™s the only public accountability available right now within Clare GAA, a number of you know that and have helped the social media outlets and print journalists to get the true stories, you know who you are and you know your identity is always protected.

We have seen revelations in the press which have lead to the following questions:

GPS Systems: who was sanctioning that over spending and who was preventing the Hurling manger from switching to a much better system on an much cheaper lease to own deal ?

Did the county secretary delay giving the Management team of the Clare senior hurlers the Wexford team sheet before the Wexford match last year?

Did the county secretary attempt to delay the handing over of a jersey for Tony Kelly during the league Game against Wexford last year?

Why Did the Senior hurlers have to break into Cusack Park because (not for the first time) they were locked out ?

Why are the accounts and bank statements for the Clare Hurling Supporters Club 2012-2016 not being released for scrutiny and independent audit?

Where is the audit trail for monies collected overseas for that 2012-2016 supporters club?

Why has David Fitzgerald publicly gone on record in his book to signpost People who have questions or ask about how how those supporters club funds were spent to speak to the audit committee and the Clare County Board when in fact the County Board now claim to have had nothing to do with his hurling supporters club and the audit committee never signed off those accounts.

How come that Supporters Club Bank Account was emptied before that 2012-2016 management team left Clare in 2016 and where did the closing balance of funds go? The Revelation this weekend that a member of that supporters club wrote an email telling potential donors that the didnā€™t want to have audits is simply astonishing.

Brian Lohan sent 29 unanswered Emails early last year to the county Secretary trying to address a number of issues, why was he being ignored and is that acceptable?

Brian Lohan had to pay coaches, meals and chase hotel bills to be paid, How is that acceptable? How can we compete with this farce ongoing.

These are just some of the many questions that need to be addressed, to ignore them will not help close this chapter and help us move forward, some will be explained easily and a rational accepted by all, but some will need forensic review to understand what the truth is.

This weekend has brought more scrutiny of Clare GAA in the national media, on a number of these topics, the piece on Caherlohan is deeply embarrassing, look at those pictures and ask how on earth it has cost near ā‚¬5m to have such a shambles, the breakdown for those accounts leave a lot of questions, the damage being done by this to the county will be long lasting, we need action and we need the narrative to change and change quickly, motions of no confidence should be called for and if they are called for your club membership will expect you to show leadership and do the right thing.

The continued issues around the Supporters Club Accounts for the Years 2012 to 2016 is deeply disturbing at this stage, numerous media and local individuals have written asking to review those accounts and bank statements, the details in those accounts and statements is vitally important to know for example where the huge amounts of US Dollars were lodged and the receipts for their exchange need to be reviewed. There is a suggestion ā‚¬1m was raised in that period if that amount is accurate then there has to be accountability on what it was spent on. Those accounts and Bank statements are not being released and itā€™s a legitimate question to ask WHY??

This issue is likely to run its full conclusion in the media owing to the fact that one of Irelandā€™s foremost ā€œ sport financialsā€ journalist seems intent on getting to the truth of whatā€™s in those accounts and bank statements. At this stage there is no evidence of any wrong doing but if things are above board and correct then surly the release of the accounts and Bank Statements should not be an issue.

Clare GAA is at a crossroads, a Strategic Committee has been formed to try and steer us out of this mess, this is a much needed development, our hope is the committee gets the full support it needs to identify why we are doing things so wrong and how we do them better going forward, we need unity but to have unity we need to address some major issues because the fear is that no matter how good that strategic committee is they will be undermined by the power base in Clare GAA and thatā€™s the terribly distressing thing.

We can achieve so much if the county is run by a modern administration being led by a fantastic Board, Jack and Kieran need to be given a chance but while the old grip of power remains I fear Jack and Kieran will be choked and smothered. This is no time to play the long game, at every new newspaper revelation our county is damaged and mocked.

You the Delegates of Clareā€™s great clubs have given so much but now is not the time to stay silent, if you stay silent then you are taking a side, and your silence will be seen as support for this regime, please donā€™t stay silent, please ask the hard questions, remember on Monday night anyone standing up and pointing to non-existent abuse is a patsy and simply playing to keep the man with power happy, there has been no abuse and certainly nothing that looks even offensive for over 12 months now

Please, Silence is not an option

You have our support

Truly yours

Friends of Clare GAA

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Whatā€™s that about tk and a Jersey

Kelly came off as a blood sub I think in the league match v Wexford. New Jersey was needed and Pat had the bag of jerseys and was asked to get a fresh one out, he just sat there and refused to respond until Romer went down and threw a few fucks into him.

This is a story told by Romer? I donā€™t remember there being a word about it at the time

:joy: that canā€™t be true , although if pat was trying to save in washing costs it could be.

This all sounds very backward.

Just searching Caherlohan on twitter and came across this. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen an indoor GAA pitch. Pretty cool.

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Whoever penned that is an awful gobshite

Thereā€™s 600 seats over there.

600 seats?

Thereā€™s a hundred tonne of tent over head.

A hundred tonne of tent?

Whereā€™s this weeks Sunday Times piece?

Be some craic when the first schmozzle happens ,theyā€™ll be coming in from everywhere ā€¦

With all the messing in county boards, the GAA should pay for a bus and send Gilroy and Mossie on a tour of the country teaching county boards how to do business ā€¦

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That Tighe bluffer has given up on it.

should Gilroy and Mossie not spend a bit more time trying to figure out why the Dublin senior hurlers have gone backwards since winning a leinster senior title and a NHL?? Before they head off to advise Clare like

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Good one

Structures are in place in Dublin thoughā€¦

If there work is done in Dublin inter county hurling, let them focus on their club then which hasnt won a senior hurling title in near 30 years

clare have won a few all irelands at under 21 and won a senior in recent times where there are issues , does it convince you that the structures are working in dublin ?

dublinā€™ s success rate in winning leinster minor and under 21 hurling titles has declined. you sure pat and mossie should be sent around the country?

Iā€™m more convinced than ever The Vincentā€™s duo should hold workshops in provincial venues ā€¦

great idea, they can leave some AIG loot and a few GPOs behind them after they finish the powerpoint presentation