Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

Exactly …fellas fighting over small change should get advice from the lads who can manage the big revenues …

it has all become a bit smart alec from a few dubs, lets send our boys down the country to advise the dopes down there how to run their show

maybe the dubs might not look so bright if given the hand of cards to play that might come their way in other counities

More broadly , you hear people saying the FAI should get GAA men in to run it…what you think ?

no, the GAA is struggling to get capable people to cover officer roles across the 32 counties

should be looking at plugging its own gaps rather than the engaging in the we would run the FAI better than soccer people type debate

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Does every county have a hurling and football team bar Kilkenny ? Between hurling and football if there is 64 teams How many can win top prize ? 2/3 in football and 4/5 hurling ?

There is a Kilkenny football team. It plays in the British Junior Championship.


just to add to that a slight detail. romer ran up looking for the jersey but Pat Fitz is alledged to have told him that he had to give back the bloodied jersey before pat would give him a new one.
romer grabbed the bag of jerseys off him , pat followed him down threatening solicitors accroding to someone who was close enough to hear the exchange .

Whatever about Frank Murphy he never did anything to interfere with Cork team winning on match day


And I think DJ Carey is involved in it too?

Why the fuck is Pat Fitz anywhere near spare jerseys let alone in the middle of a match? Surely there’s a kitman filling this role?

Most county secretaries are anally retentive over things like that. I remember seeing Riordan racing onto the pitch in Ennis one time tearing jerseys out of Limerick players hands as they went about swapping them after a game v Clare at either minor or U21.

Was. More at Minor level for a couple of years, if memory serves.

County secretary has a role on match day

Pat Fitz has a massive level of control freakery going on
if managements want new sliothars for example they have to give back the used ones. You have to go through the secretary for everything down to turning on lights
Its bizarre stuff


Good to see a proper journalist like Vincent Hogan put those bluffers in the Sunday Times in their place with a nice, balanced piece on Clare GAA in today’s Irish Independent.

Is that Davy’s autobiography ghost writer Vincent Hogan?


A very muddled explanation in it on why Brian Lohan had to pay for everyone’s dinner in Whites hotel in Wexford. A fair auld bill assuming a panel of 30 odd all opted for the €12-€15 carvery (roaster) dinner.

They’d been invoicing Clare GAA for over a decade so what changed that day is for Whites Hotel to answer.

Good stuff from Dalo today

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They had to do something, it was only paper cuts up to now. That’s a blow below the waterline

Davy’s lap dog also had a piece today. No mention of one of pat’s stooges telling another delegate who was asking Pat some pertinent questions to go fuck himself during the meeting.

Davy and Pat can do what they like, Daly and GerLock have come out, the rest will follow now.

All that’s left now is the fall.