Clare Gaa šŸ Thread mark II

The gaa is infiltrated by an absolute load of utter spoofers at every level coaching wise.

Fellas with sport science degrees going around With ear pieces monitoring how many horizontal sprints players make. Just fuck off.

Unfortunately players think they need this sort of crap to compete at various levels.

When you consider the time and money put into training by teams the returns are awful.


The funny thing i doubt you would find a senior panellist in Clare who would say that they needed Caherlohan to compete. It is a decade since it started and has never really been fully operational and is not fit for purpose.

5 millions spend on it plus probably another 7 figure fee in that time to the likes of UL for floidlit astropitches is the bigger issue. What would that money have achieved if pumped into the development squads and into getting full time coaches instead. The wastage is now a millstone around the neck of Clare gaa.

The top table of Clare GAA pushed Caherlohan as a legacy/vanity project and made a balls of it and now donā€™t want to be accountable for that. Despite the money pumped in huge corners were cut, not enough sand put in the pitches, instructions in pitch maintenance ignored and instead treated like haggarts left to grow wild for months on end and then get a quick topping. The refusal to spend 50k to buy a ride on mower will now possibly cost 10 to 20 times that to relay all the pitches. Drainage destroyed in areas of a couple of pitches by heavy machinery being allowed to drive over them shortly after being layed. It is wanten mismanagement and now that tough questions are being asked and accountability saught our secretary is doing all he can to deflect.

We have been told that the coffers are empty and we are in very poor shape financially yet the county board have sat for 16 months now without carrying out so much as one fundraising activity.

Thankfully it is approaching end days and an overhaul will take place. It may take until the end of 2023 to full come about but itā€™s coming, slowly but surely.


John Fogarty backed the Fitzgeralds in examiner the other day.

He is a lap dog for Davy. Always was pro Fitzgerald.

Sports scientists and fellas who do S&C in Thurlus as its ā€œworld classā€.

Same guys who read Legacy and think the All Blackā€™s were so successful because of the BS mindset not the fact they had the best players in the world. Sport is awash with bullshit artists


Like Colm Collins?

He is certainly hitching his wagon to them in a time when everything in Clare gaa is heavily politicised.

Maybe there is bad blood between him and Chaplin or him and Lohan, itā€™s not exactly a huge leap to make when you join the dots.

Colm and Vincent Hogan appear to be the only two people who feel caherlohan is an excellent facility. Our secretary has labelled it an embarrassment as have many other. Go figure

Dan again Iā€™d ask where or when does Collins say itā€™s an excellent facility?
He said it was fine for football and seeing as you only need a field and few balls for that I donā€™t read anything bigger picture into his comments.
The Fitz supporters in media constantly rehash his quote in the hope people will join dots that arenā€™t there.

Hurling snob comment.

He had a quote in last weekā€™s examiner says the pitches are in perfect condition. This is not what the executive have stated as there is serious remedial work needed.

The hurlers used the footballers pitch last winter and it was torn asunder after one session. Does that they sound like a pitch in perfect condition? Colm wasnā€™t best pleased by this either. Go figure

Iā€™d have no problem if he said they meet our needs or something nondescript. Maybe he is being misquoted but this is the second time in a matter of months

Did you ever listen to off the ball? Or any couple of cunts on radio or tv shite talking about soccer or thugby? Absolute scutter and yet the masses lap it up. The odd time I hear the soccer cunts on Matt Cooper on the wireless. My God theyā€™re serious men to bullshit about absolutely nothing.

Shur some lads would tell you bateing a ball off a wall isnt good for you.


The whole thing is gone very juvenile. If you say anything is at all halfway satisfactory, youā€™re in the pocket of the Fitzs :roll_eyes:

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I think colm was being very specific with what he said.

Majority of ex pros in the rubby media havenā€™t a clue on the game as it has evolved so much in the last 10 years. I thought ROG was great on VM, he spoke to the rest like children on basic concepts. I are little notice of most of them

There needs to be a balance with S&C, intercounty setups, where you have a lot of access to players, you may get the gains needed if itā€™s structured right.

However your average club team that are meeting 2 to 3 times a week, will get far more benefit from ball work than they will from dedicating a portion of that limited time to pure s&c work.

How long is Collins over the Clare footballers now 5-6 years? This could be his last involved id say.

Closer to 8 or 9th season Iā€™d say

Ya it seems he has brought them as far as he can for now, unlucky to draw Kerry in Munster so often.

Longest serving football manager in the country. 8th season coming up