Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

Terrific win :muscle:t2:

Pat might know a few more names now

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Very impressive throughout. Its annoying we have Kerry first day out and no second chance


How old is Walsh the wing back?

20 now I think. Was playing soccer with our crowd for a while, class centre-half at 17, would easily handle lads ten years his senior. Was very good for KIB in champ last year.

Has come a bit out of nowhere?, serious composure there yesterday.

He’d have been known about underage anyway, I’d just say he had to earn it to break into the Kilmurry team and that kicked him on again.

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Walsh was fairly small enough until he was around 15 or 16 but has had a massive growth spurt in the last 3 or 4 years has become a massive man. Fairly decent hurler as well won an Under 21 championship there with Kilmaley when he was corner back. Also had a few collarbone injuries there about 2 years ago so good to see him get a clear run with no injuries.


Hi there.


If the money isnt there, what can the county board do?

No one within Clare GAA wants to hear that in fairness.

What are Laois doing better you ape?

Feeding all our county squads.

Again it isn’t even completely a money thing. Sean Doyle begrudgingly got the 21s/20s gig back in 2019 and has never really been supported by the secretary/executive as he wasn’t their chosen appointment.

Yet another embarrassing page to this sad story.

Fast Eddie was going around calling the Laois officialdom stooks and not singing their praises anyway but maybe they were fed well

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just how penniless are the banner?


Ideal for the bees :clap:

must take more care on the spellings!!

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Maybe try typing it out first, re reading it, then deleting it all and shoving your thumb up your hole.