Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

We’ve beaten Galway twice and all over past 2 months in challenges

A young lad from Lahinch wins the house draw, a grand result :clap:t2:


Heated balls work a charm

Number 11…

Pleasing first-half display, used the ball well into the wind. Survived the usual heart-in-mouth moment on our own kickout too


Clare 1-7
Meath 0-6

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Clare miss three sitters then concede a penalty and goal at the other end :confounded:

1-7 apiece now

1-9 apiece, twentyfive gone

Pelanty for Clare

Saved :slightly_frowning_face:

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Clare a point up, three to be added

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Manus Doherty makes it two … breathe

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Long overdue win against them

Ah lovely

Fuck Meath

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Great result for ye m8

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Emmett sending this lad home with tae in his mug

That lad is another absolute 'telpus.
Himself and Derrick Lynch should start their own paper.

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:smile::smile::smile: I just presumed it was a windup account?

It is


Sad but unsurprising

I wouldn’t dispute that either were strikes by the letter of the law but given the spirit in which the game was played and how it was reffed I don’t think either would have been given as reds on the day if the umpires had made the refs aware of them. They also weren’t the only pieces of dangerous play on the day if you go off the rule book yet they are the ones singled out.

Why haven’t all instances of dangerous play in the match been addressed? The lack of consistency it very frustrating.

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