Clare Gaa šŸ Thread mark II

If you can find worse than what happened please show me. The game was hard and fair in the main, no punch was thrown by a Limerick player and no Limerick player drove the Hurley up through a helmet or three times down the back of a player. If you go and play like a bunch of fucking animals expect repercussions.


Disappointing from Brendan Cummins looking to get lads suspended.


Thereā€™s no indication Duggan was trying to do what transpired. He was jostling to get away so I think you can give him the benefit of the doubt on that. The punch was stupid but Will did look to he leaning/ holding him down just prior to itā€¦ The only one that you canā€™t really defend is the Hayes one.

There is clear evidence of Flanagan driving his Hurley into the back of Cathal Maloneā€™s helmet as they grapple. It is a red by the letter of the law and another of him blindsiding Oā€™Donnell out with a forearm to the head.

Just like the other two I doubt it would have been a red on the day but give over the holier than though shite, both teams gave and took plenty of it last weekend.


Ah the strike down on Flanagan would have to have been a red if reported to the ref as it happened. As reckless a stroke as you could do in a match. The others were tussles, that was a clean strike.

Not applicable for review as the Dow says that there was nothing in it.

Agreed but he was very slow with cards. Some obvious yellows were let go and I would say Hayes might have gotten the benefit of the doubt as everyone else was getting it on the day.

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A great days work from Sham Flan.

Eight points from play, mugged off Malone, mugged off the Golden Boy in the tunnel at the end of full time, got their best corner back suspended, didnā€™t dive, wins MOTM and goes away home with the cup also.


Have they actually been suspended? Jesus thatā€™s disappointing

Brendan Cummins is some snake.


Is this true? Disgraceful really, if not seen on the day it should have been left at that, Cummins has a lot to answer for here, if not highlighted on TSG no action would have been taken


Can you show me the video of Malone and Flanagan, for me it looked like Malone initiated contact, ended up in his arse and started holding Flanagan.

Heā€™s not well at all that fella.

And what difference does that make if there is a strike or not? Which there was

Finn initiated the strike from Duggan and ended up on his hole, but the double standard is lost in you no doubt


Another Colin Lynch-gate.

Advantage Wexford. Very harsh on our neighbours.


Very harsh on the Banner, a witch hunt is all it is

Definitely. This ā€œduirt fear liomā€ stuff thatā€™s coming into the punditry would sicken your shit.

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Lohan will manage it well. Hereā€™s where some of the differences between him and Ger will prove useful.

Nolan makes it a straightforward change at the back. Bit of a head scratcher at the other end though. Not the selection but how it affects everything else.

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The Clare lads are breathing a sigh of relief that the real issues were not addressed #tunnelgate