Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

Not great when you have to ask that question though

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A flute will always ask a stupid question. It’s all they have.

The most coherent, intelligent and well spoken Clare supporter of them all, Buff Egan, has voiced his discontent at these proposed suspensions.


Duggar’s biggest failing is that he has no burst acceleration, he isn’t slow over 30 or 40 yards as he has a long stride but he can’t get out in front and when he wins it he can’t really drive past his man.

On one hand he is a great out ball when under pressure as at worst he will break and battle for it and slow the ball going back down the field but on the other hand when he is part of a two man inside line you can’t put the ball in space in front of him as he most likely won’t win the foot race.

I think we need someone more dynamic playing off him too, Galvin is a nice finisher but isn’t overly pacey. Meehan’s pace or Rodgers ability to read and play off the breaks would improve things


What’s the story with Tony Kelly?

I’d have rather seen Aaron Fitzgerald suspended than either of the two lads (I know it’s not solely a Clare issue but it’s the most recent example). Getting another lad sent off is a bigger crime in my eyes.


A FF doesn’t need to be a brute but to play like the team has the only option is Shanagher. I don’t think he will start and we will see some sort of shift as to how the forwards are structured

He is way too lazy to be an option.

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No question, his best spot is playing in from the sideline anyway. Not that he has shown it in a while

Agree with @carryharry that there is going to be someone seriously hurt with one of those WWE tackles, Limerick players have been shown up but wasn’t Rob Downey also up there.

Although last weeks game was a classic, it’s still dangerous with the physical shape of the modern day player to let it go over the edge.

Stopping lads taking 8 steps with the ball in a hybrid version of Hurling/rugby league would help with all of this. Won’t happen though as Kiely and the stooges on TSG will cry wolf.


Big Darragh Egan will have this quote pinned up on the dressing room wall so he will. Although BDE’s troops have to overcome Kerry first.

FFS, the Clare lads are really making a show of themselves. This has absolutely nothing to do with John Kiely.


That’s the ham who threw sliotars into the stand before one of the Cork Clare games

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Son of joint manager?

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He wrote a good summary of things wrong in Clare a few years ago too though which swung people into action.

One mistake shouldn’t define anyone. He’s done good things for them since.

John Kiely has shamed himself here.

He is prone to hotheaded actions is my point, he certainly wears his heart on his sleeve though

There was great honesty in both sides endeavour on Sunday. If you can’t have a few shly dunts thrown as part of that you have to ask where are we at all.

The Clare fans seem to be losing their minds over a bit of craic.