Clare Gaa šŸ Thread mark II

Nasty. Very nasty.

Anybody that has he/him or she/her in a bio is a wrong one.

Must be the craziest account on Twitter

Looks like a nutter.

He has a few insiders on Clare CB but Jesus posting videos of lads in pubs is mental

Heā€™s like the illegitimate child of @twiceasnice97 & @buffegan

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When youā€™ve Casey in your team, you canā€™t complain about that, and in fairness, none of the limericks are really, just an odd lad from tipp trying to stay relevant.

A few points

  1. Though I thought Hayes and Duggan were lucky not to see red last Sunday I donā€™t think they should have received a ban.

  2. There is an incredible attempt by Clare fans both on here and on twitter to play the ā€˜what about Limerickā€™ card and rope Limerick into it. The tweet calling for John Kiely to intervene :rofl: What the fuck?? (as the Buff would say) This has nothing to do with Limerick or John Kiely.

  3. If you want to blame someone, blame Fr. Brendan Cummins

  4. The video of Flanagan fucking Malone on his hole and then dragging him after him along the ground is fuckin brilliant stuff :rofl: Thatā€™s why you need to have the West Limerick quota in place, itā€™s a delicate balance, weā€™ll win fuck all without the Westie bad mindedness and if we include too many of the bastards youā€™ll have a riot


Are you getting any sleep at all?

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If they were both booked earlier Seamus would have got 15 from play

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I think these suspensions are 100% wrong. it means whoever Dublin Dessie, Cummins et al decide to show delivering a dirty stroke get suspension. Did Dessie, Cummins,Dowling sit down and watch the match back forensically to ensure they caught all incidents?or did they just react to a few e-mails to the TSG?

Cummins and Dowling could have said to the TSG producers, fcuk this ,it was a great Munster final, we are not going to get in shite storm over a stray blow or two not picked up by the 7 match officials, sure let the CCCC do their job and pick them up rather than the TSG

Unless someone can tell me , these suspensions would have arose without the TSG highlighting them, this is just scamping of the highest order.


Kiely needs to come out and say something about Cummins here.

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Cummins is a cunt. ā€˜The Dowā€™ is a cunt in training and heā€™s learning fast.


The first part maybe but not sure heā€™s that bright, potential repercussions for Limerick given this whole episode.

The @PoorClares are doing desperate whining and whinging. The giddiness has given way to a sense of wrong-doing, a sort of siege mentality.

The @PoorClares love a cause. I wouldnā€™t be one bit surprised if a hape of them stormed the field in Tralee today and staged a sit-down protest for the Thurlas Two.

Call a halt to it lads and weā€™ll hopefully see ye in the final.

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The incidents were shown during the live broadcast I think so I donā€™t know where this email line comes fromā€¦ Tho Iā€™m not sure on the Hayes chop

Is the word that the big house (Saudi Arabia) and the Dow (Greg Norman) instigated this and Cummins was the useful idiot/stooge who played the performing seal role in front of camera (Graeme McDowell)?

Itā€™s clear that Limerick fear Clare and want them gone before a potential rerematch. Trouble is theyā€™ll only miss a game against Kerry or Wexford.


I think it is extremely naive to think Cummins went into the production meeting and came up with the idea to highlight these incidents

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The CCCCCCCC received an anonymous dossier from Sandy Lane during the week.

Upon receipt of said information the powers that be felt they had no option but to respond. Fairly Machiavellian but you do what go to do for any edge.


if the indicents were picked up in the live broadcast leave it at that, sure the CCCC can act on it if they saw it on the live broadcast

not sure why Cahill, Cummins and Dowling have to become the moral foul play police

There cant be too much issue with the suspensions if some one can tell me the CCCC sit down watch all the championship matches back and come up with the suspensions following this process.If this process is in place, there is no need for Cummins, Dowling and Cahill to be doing the work of the CCCC