Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

I would be shocked if he did , but could Dessie, Cummins and Co not stand up to these productions teams and say hold on here now, I am not going commenting on this , this was for the match officials to deal with and after that the CCCC. I d walk out the door and tell the production team to keep the few poxy euro. Have they any sense of principle?

FFS the whole GAA community was delighted with an epic Munster Final, who really gave a flying fuck about a stray stroke or two that players got away it. No one was hurt and the players on the receiving end of the blows I am sure were of the view that these things will happen in a Munster Final.

The line you’ll get from TSG on their ‘anaylsis’ of any incident will be “We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t” which is understandable.

If it happens happens on the field or off it, any ‘incident’ is of interest to the watching public, that’s just the way these things work.

The opinion of whomever is presenting or ‘analysing’ is, in my view, largely irrelevant because there is always an angle, a bias. No matter who they are.

In my view the two boys should not be suspended, the game went on, nobody complained at the time, nobody required attention (real or imaginary) and on we go.

But my view is largely irrelevant. If there is footage of something in the public domain, even mobile phone footage from supporters, we have seen the CCCC act.

In that sense they have to suck it up and move on. Just like Hego, I’m sure both will be back and flying into the next game with a point to prove. A great position to be in for Lohan, if, as I expect, they navigate their way past Wexford.

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In fairness, the sit down protest is the sole preserve of the biffs.

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The @PoorClares have form with it too. U21 game back in 2011 or thereabouts. Desperate carry on.

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Clare are much further up the evolutionary ladder than the biffs…the shams too…

Mighty win, looked well cooked in the second half but somehow dug it out. Kickout issues still haunting us but great for Cathal O’C, Jamie, Russ, Tubs and Keelan to have one more win on the main stage


Who’s yer man singing with Kyle Hayes?

Dowling is a fair cunt to be trying to abdicate himself of blame in this sorry mess.

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Brendan Cummins has been an excellent addition to TSG in both commentary & punditry

Of course they could…… :joy:

How will Shane pay for the Hair Transplant :see_no_evil:

Seamus Flanagan in bother do you think?

Cummins is a clueless moron, though possibly a step up on ‘The Dow’.

Delighted for Colm Colins,.one of the good guys. Fantastic win for them today, nothing short than what was deserved


Yeah Peter Casey is back

Gillane, the two lugs in the silhouette are a dead give away

Oisin O’Reilly i think. Definitely not Gillane


I was thinking Gillane has more hair than that.

@Big_Dan_Campbell @Raylan is there anybody playing Gaelic football for Clare who’d improved the senior hurlers significantly if switching codes ?

Podge surely?

Not at this stage. There’s a few that would walk onto Collins’ panel alright if they dropped the hurls, but can’t think of anyone that has the game for IC level